Chapter 19

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"Are any of you staying over the holidays?" Professor Mcgonngall asked during breakfast. "I am." Remus nodded. "Same for me." Peter smiled.

"Me and Sirius are going home." James smirked over at Sirius, who grinned back.

"Miss Black?" Adelecia winced. "No Professor." "Alright." Professor Mcgonnagall wrote something down without noticing her expression.

Lily however, did. "What's wrong?" "Nothing Lil."

Of course it was something. Adelecia was getting sick of saying that word. "But-" Lily's attention was diverted by the numerous owls for the morning post. Adelecia cursed quietly as Abira landed in front of her with a letter in her beak.


What is this I hear about you being Captain of a QUIDDITCH TEAM?! Your father and I are utterly disappointed and angry. This is not how a lady of House Black acts.

Remember to come home for Christmas, we have things we need to discuss, and I'm sure you agree. Tell Regulus as well.

Walburga Black

Adelecia sighed and crumpled up the letter. She knew her parents would find out sometime, but she didn't expect it to be this soon. But then again, she probably should have figured they'd find out after the game against Slytherin last week.

To think they were mad would be an understatement.


Fast forward a week later, and Adelecia was leaving the Hogwarts Express and reminding her friends not to owl her.

"Just remember not to owl please guys." "But how am I going to get my present to you?" Adelecia sighed. "I told you not to get me anything." "It's going to be Christmas! No presents is a crime." Lily grinned. Adelecia chuckled. "Alright. Just owl on Christmas, though, okay?"

"Fine." Adelecia smiled and gave her friends a last hug. "See you later guys." "Bye Les!"

Adelecia's smile dropped as soon as she left the compartment to find Regulus.

"Ready?" Regulus came walking over to his sister, dragging his trunk with him. "Not even a little." "Hopefully they won't be too mad?" His tone was more of a question.

"Not counting on it, little brother. Cmon." The siblings left the train, and, finding their parents on the platform, went to meet them.

"Regulus, Adelecia." Adelecia flinched at her mother's cold tone. "Hello Mother, Father." Regulus sighed.

"Let's go." Walburga gripped Adelecia's shoulder roughly, and apparated out of the station, causing the girl to wonder what the hell was waiting for her at home. 



lol I'm now ready to get back in the swing of thingsssss!

Next chapter may be a bit disturbing, so be warned

Also I got obsessed with the Folk of the Air and the Red Queen Series

Where can I buy a Cardan (Or a Cal, either one-) Amazon's out TvT

Love you mah dudes

~ Foody

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