Chapter 27

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The 3 girls leaped on Lily's bed at the (mere) crack of dawn. Lily looked up, blinking tiredly. "Morning?"

"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!" "I'm vaguely aware of that Marls, thanks." Alice shook her head exasperatedly. "Come on, get ready Lils, we have to go!"

"Er- at 5:00 in the morning?" Adelecia checked her watch and looked up. "Yes. Now get UP, Evans, we woke you late."


Adelecia shot Marlene a look. "Right. We'll be in the common room. Be fast or we'll leave without you!" With that, the 3 girls literally bolted out of the dorm, leaving an extremely confused Lily behind.


Adelecia raised an eyebrow at James once they were down in the common room. "Lily is going to kill me for making her spend the day with you isn't she?" James shrugged and then grinned. "Yes, but this is my chance!"

Sirius sighed. "Prongs, as much as I love you, you and Lily have about as much as a chance as my owl smashing into a window flying backwards."

Remus stared at him. "Didn't he literally do that yesterda-" Sirius clamped a hand over his mouth. James' grin got bigger.

Peter's eyes widened. "Don't say it-"

"He's going to say it."

"Suck my dick, Sirius."

"He said it."

"I SAID I WAS BISEXUAL ONCE, POTTER!" "Once was all it too-" "-What the hell?" Sirius looked up at Lily. "LILY! Happy birthday!" Remus gave up trying to get Sirius's hand off his face and waved at her instead.

"Thanks, Sirius."

"Okay, Lily, we're going out and you're not allowed to come because it's a surprise, so-" Alice shook her head softly.

"Marlene, you idiot."

Lily laughed. "It's okay, go! I'm sure it's going to be a surprise anyway, because the group of you working together can only mean over the top things."

"Right, about that." James swooped in front of Adelecia before she could continue. "Happy birthday Lily, first off, and second, what dear Miss Black was trying to say was that I have the pleasure of keeping you company all day, Evans."

"You're kidding." "I'm not." Lily turned to Adelecia. "He's kidding, right? "Nope." 


Adelecia looked at Marlene. "Is she going to kill me?" "I think she's thinking about it." 

Lily walked over, smacked Adelecia on the back of the head, and then turned back to James. "Fine, Potter. One day, that's all you get." "We'll see about that. Shall we?" He offered his hand. 

Lily shot a death glare towards Adelecia (who was sheepishly rubbing the back of her head) and then reluctantly grabbed it. 

Sirius let his hand fall from Remus's face as his jaw dropped open. 

James looked like his own birthday had come early. 



I'm dragging out this one day in the story, I know, but it's because there's going to be a HUGE time jump after, and you get quality Lily content so I mean-

How's your day going?

Anyway, some life updates from me (even though most of you don't read this LMAOO)

I'm applying to a new high school that's supposed to be super good so that's one of the reasons I've been MIA- also standardized testing just started so I've been stressing just a little haha-

I'm working on chapter 28 as we speak and also the next chapter of Picture Perfect should be out soon (to those who read that one as well- if you haven't read it, you should, because these two books are linked and there might be some weird references in one that don't really make sense) 

AND NOW STARTS THE 10 DAY COUNTDOWN TILL RAMADAN! (which reminds me, I think this book is almost a year old) 

Thank you so much for staying with me & this story as I go through my messy life rn, you guys are the absolute best and ily so much <3 

Love you my dudes, 

~ Lem 

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