Chapter 17

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Adelecia woke up to the sound of Lily shoving her off the bed. "What in the living he- oh. Hey Lils. What's up?" "What's up, is that you've been sleeping for hours and I need you to get your butt out of bed!" Lily grinned.

"Shut up and let me sleep." Marlene whined from her bed. "I swear to Merlin, you and Marlene are the same person, Adds." Alice chuckled. "Because we are." Both girls echoed at the same time.

"Whatever, get up! I want breakfast." "Ugh, fine Evans." Adelecia got up, rolling her eyes and tromping off to the bathroom.

Marlene let out a soft snore. Alice and Lily glanced at each other and burst out with laughter. "I'm back."

"How are we going to get Marlene up?" Adelecia smirked. "Leave it to me." The two girls watched as she went into the bathroom, filled a cup with water, walked over to Marlene and held it over her head. "3, 2, 1." Marlene jolted awake. "Alright, alright, I was awake the whole time!"

"Oh Marlene, you're screwed. Run!"


"Oi Evans!" "Shove off, Potter." Adelecia chuckled. "What?" "Oh come on, Lily, you can't deny he's growing on you."

"I am?" James beamed. "No." Lily said promptly and sat down next to Adelecia, only to be interrupted by Professor Slughorn. "Now, now, don't get too comfortable, you will all be assigned potions partners this year!"

The class let out simultaneous groans.

Slughorn only smiled and cleared his throat. "Miss Fortescue with Mr Longbottom, Miss Mcdonald with Miss Meadows, Miss Mckinnon with Mr Black, Miss Evans with Mr Potter..."

Adelecia and Alice giggled at Lily's expression. "Merlin, please not Potter." "Alice, I'll bet you two galleons they get together before Christmas." "No, they're both cowards, it'll happen in 7th year." Alice smiled softly. "It's on."

"...and Miss Black with Mr Lupin." Adelecia sighed in relief. Thank Merlin it wasn't Sirius. When it came to potions, Sirius was a know-it-all prick. Remus at least, was bad at the subject, so probably they would end up just blowing up cauldrons together, because Adelecia absolutely detested potion-making.

Marlene snickered at the pairings. "Looks like Slughorn knows what's up. Everyone needs to stay far away from Adelecia and Remus, they might actually explode the classroom a few times."

"You're going to have to count on it, Marlene." Remus grinned.


Not even 10 minutes later, the cauldron was smoking. "Why the hell is it brown? It's supposed to be light blue by now-" Remus asked in brief panic. "-I don't know, but the smoke-"

Adelecia's sentence cut off as she inhaled the putrid fumes coming from the cauldron and coughed. "Nope, I'm not doing this." "How'd you even pass your O.W.L's?" "I could ask the exact same thing to you Rem."

He shrugged. "I just read books in the library. Oh no-" Slughorn came walking over, looked into their cauldron, and sniffed it. "Professor er- I wouldn't do that." Slughorn wrinkled his nose and vanished the cauldron. "Try harder next time. Class dismissed."

Adelecia tried her best to hold in a snort, but took one look at Remus's face and burst out in laughter. Remus chuckled.

"H-his face-" "It was amazing." Lily came stomping out. "What happened Lils?" "Potter." She snarled. "Ah. Let's go and get you some food. See you later Remus." Adelecia put her hands on Lily's shoulders and steered her off towards the Great Hall. 



lol hey guys

I'm kind of high on all the chocolate I ate

(That I bought for myself because Walgreens was having a sale and I couldn't resist)

Now let's get to BuSiNeSs

Since no one answered me before ima ask dis again because now I'm actually thinking about doing it;

Hypothetically, if I were to write a fixed fairy tale, which one would you peeps like to see?

And it's so creepy but literally last time I was thanking yall for 1k views and now I'm at 2k-

Thanks guys <3

Anyone else wondering how the heck Florida isn't cold? Like cmon, Texas and Georgia r going through freezing cold temperatures, and then I'm here ONE STATE AWAY burning from the intense HEAT

Also RIP Carl Judie, he will be missed by all

If you guys don't know who he was, he was a well known actor on the Youtube channel of Dhar Mann, and he passed away on Valentines Day from COVID-19.

Hopefully he's in a better place now.

I love you guys <3


~ Foody

𝕮𝖗𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖔 | 𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖚𝖘 𝕷𝖚𝖕𝖎𝖓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ