The man who watched me

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The group stayed and continued talking and laughing. After getting their coffee I pulled a stool up behind the counter and pulled my book back out. Every now and then I would glance up and the man with the long dark hair would be looking at me. He would barely participate in the conversations only talking to the blonde man and the maybe the man next to the blonde man.

The group stayed until 11, they ended up ordering another round of coffee at one point but that was it. When they started to get up to leave they threw their trash away and a woman with long dark hair looked back and said "have a good day!" I smiled "you too!".

Once they left I cleaned their table and went back to reading. Just as I had predicted at noon more people started to fill the cafe, and my coworkers came in to help. One of my friends Lindsay came in and we talked as we worked. She asked if anything interesting happened this morning and I just chuckled. She had no idea.

The hours seemed to fly by when suddenly it was 6:30. We had closed at 6 and I was just finishing up closing up. I said goodbye to the manager who was counting the money and doing some final things to close up. Before leaving i managed to sneak a sandwich and a small bag of chips. Grabbing my coat and my bag I left.

The sun was setting as I walked the streets of New York, the darkness starting to envelope the city. I walked slowly trying to take in the glow of the streets.

As I walked home I noticed the sidewalks were a bit more crowded then they usually were. Nervous, I kept my head low only looking up when necessary.

I was about 2 blocks from my apartment when a man about half a foot taller than me bumped into my shoulder. "Watch where you're going" I  uttered coldly. The man just stared at me and I continued walking. I glanced back to see his lips moving but he had no phone, nor was there anyone near him. Using my instinct, I moved quickly into an alley and weaved through buildings until making it to the back entrance of my apartment building.

I entered my pin into the pad and the door opened. I rushed in and up to my apartment. I quickly unlocked the door and walked inside smiling as my neighbor passed me.
Dropping the bags I was holding to the ground I sighed.

I have stayed here too long, it was probably time to move again. It might have been my paranoia causing me to think this, but my paranoia has been right several times.
I figured I would work until the end of the week packing my few belongings in the nights and I wouldn't go anywhere other than work and home.

Then I thought back to earlier. Hm. I saw the avengers and was possibly being followed in one day? Yea, things were definitely getting too weird.

I hated moving but I knew it needed to be done. If I didn't keep moving chances are I would be either dead or worse right now. I knew I would miss the glowing city and the towers. I would even miss the little cafe and my friends, Lindsay the most.

No one I am friends with really knows about me though. They all think I grew up in New Jersey and moved here to try and go places. That always seems to be everyone's story.

Either way, it had to be done and my mind was made up. That night all I did was make a list of my things and planned where I would go next. I bought bus tickets for Saturday night. The bus would take me to Pennsylvania and I would probably take another bus to somewhere in Virginia.

After that was decided I turned on some music and danced around my apartment, probably for the last time.

Even though I was in hiding and technically a trained assassin, I was still a 22 year old living in New York. As I danced around my gaze often moved to my balcony. I lived on the 12th floor so the view of the city was beautiful. Have I mentioned how much I loved the glow of the city? It reminded me of the sky when I would watch the stars with my mother.

Anyways, once the song had ended and I came down from my high I changed into pajamas and got ready for bed. I was around 11 when my eyes became heavy and I dozed off.

Hidden (Avengers x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz