The End

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While I was writing this chapter I listened to a song like over and over on repeat and it almost kind of added to the effect so if you wanna do that too here's the song ⬇️ (it's not showing up for some ppl so it's in this shirt by the irrepressibles)

Through the bubble of surging purple energy I see a hand. The hand reaches out, almost as if it wanted me to hold it.

All the pain disappears and an overwhelming feeling of happiness and relief washes over me. I'm sitting on my knees on the ground and now i'm surrounded by white light.

"Hello?" I call out.

No one answers but the hand stays put. I hear echos around me of someone calling out my name. There's nothing around me and no one except the mysterious hand nearby.

Seeing as I had no other option, I hold the hand. As soon as our fingers are intertwined i'm pulled forward. Long arms wrap around me. It feels calming and I let myself relax.

A moment later I pull away from the embrace. A familiar face stares down at me.

"E?" I ask desperately, my voice breaking.

"Hey." He responds, a smile plastered across his face.

My hand flies to my mouth and I pull him back into another hug and squeeze him as tight as I could. "H-how is this even possible? Are you? Am I?" I stammer while we hold each other.

He lets go of me and rests his hands on my shoulders. "You did good, ok?" He assured me.

Tears of joy continue falling down my cheek and I hug him again. "God I missed you." I sniffle. "Wait what about everyone else? What happened? Did I do it?" I ask panicked.

"They're ok. You did it." He assures me.

We sit in each other's arms for forever. I'm happy. I may have started out as a weapon, but in the end I proved myself. I fixed it all. I became a hero.

I've said it before, and i'll say it again. It will always amaze me how much things can change in such a little amount of time.

I was lucky enough to meet an amazing group of people who helped me turn my life around for the better. I have had enough adventures to last several life times and now I am able to rest.

We stand up together and Eli squeezes my hand. We start walking. Where we were walking, I didn't know, but it felt right.

The farther we walked, the brighter it got until everything disappeared into light and my consciousness drifts away


The explosion of energy goes off just as the time runs out and it sends everyone flying.

It's quiet for a moment. All the fighting had stopped, the screaming quieted, and the hero's silenced.

The machine itself had imploded, it wasn't in pieces though, it was just crumpled apart. You could hear Loki anger screams as he realizes he failed.

Thor rushes to his brother as everyone else shakily stands up. They run to where to chamber used to be and start sifting through the rubble. They find her body, lying limp and drained of its color.

They all stand still unable to process any of it. They're all devastated and nobody moves or reacts.

SHIELD enters the building not too long after, Fury right behind them. Even he is speechless as they all stand over her, unsure what came next.

The building is swept and any remaining HYDRA is taken care of. The Udhar were killed in the blast, the rays from the energy only affecting them.

When they got home, it was silent. It was over. She was gone.

Tony told Bruce and Peter when he managed to get it out. He gave Peter a hug and the kid immediately left to go home to his aunt.

They kept her room the same, never moved a thing. Everything they did, they did for her from that moment on.

The guardians left and went back to their normal work in space while everyone else stayed behind. Loki was brought back to Asgard by Thor and was placed in a cell yet again.

Tony and the rest of the group held a press conference informing everyone that it was all over. The news had a field day over it and people all over the world celebrated the fallen hero.

If HYDRA still remained, they went underground. Small incidents were taken care of by the Avengers and nothing was left unchecked.

The once lost child that was born and raised to be ruthless, had finally found her place and reunited with her family.

Last update: 03/04/21  1:50pm

This was the last update (for real this time). I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read. It's been a crazy and super fun three months writing this and i'm so glad you all enjoyed it!

This was the first time I have finished anything that i've written so I hope I did good. I wanted to give Y/n a good ending. If you enjoyed this, I have another story that i'll probably be updating more now so you should check that out.

I love you all so much! <33

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