Beginning of my end

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We spend the next month or so retaking cities Loki had under his control. For every two or three cities we retook, Loki took one more. It was proving to be quite annoying.

We made it tradition to all have a drink after each city. We of course took days to rest and recover but we didn't take our sweet time.

Our group was in Berlin today. Each time we fought the forces against got smaller and smaller. Loki was starting to lose.

Instead of the whole aliens and HYDRA forces in the city, it was just HYDRA today. Definitely made the job easier.

Lucky for Berlin, HYDRA didn't do too much damage to the city itself. I think they could tell they weren't going to win this, you could see the fear in their eyes. Their confidence was draining, fast.

It didn't take long to have the citizens to safety and to have the rest of the HYDRA agents down.

We work with the local police and emergency services to bring in the remaining HYDRA agents into their stations to be transferred to Shield facilities.

The sun is setting as we load back onto the jet. We're all exhausted as we fall into our seats. Clint finds his way to the pilot seat and starts it up. Within minutes we're up in the air.

Clint sets the coordinates for the tower and staggers to the back with the rest of us. Most of us sleep for the entire ride, the others do their own thing.

I'm awaken by the noise of arguing. Again. I groan and roll my head. It had to of been nearly midnight. I look up to see Drax, Rocket, and Quill whisper arguing.

"Just because you whisper, doesn't mean you aren't loud." I hiss to them.

That shuts them up. They all stare at me wide eyed. I raise my eye brows and shake my head. They hush and lean back. I smile in satisfaction as I lean back again and close my eyes.

Just as i'm about to doze off again I feel a slight rumble.

"And we're home." Tony sighs.

I groan again. I push myself off of my seat and shakily stand. I along with the others silently trudge inside and into our rooms.

We had been gone for nearly a week. We spent half of the time finding information and the other half was actually fighting. Any tip we got on the location of Loki we followed all the way down to its source.

I missed my bed. It was so comfortable and I had forgotten how much of a luxury it was. I nearly pounced onto the fluffy white comforter once I reached my room.

I fall almost immediately asleep. I must have slept like a baby because by the time I woke up it was nearly noon and the sun shone through my windows.

I smile and stretch. Today was our rest day and I intended to make the most of it. I roll out of my bed and trudge to my bathroom.

I hop in the shower and let the water rinse off the dirt and ash from the day before. I run my hands through my wet hair and sigh. I needed this.

Once i'm done I step out of the shower and wrap myself in my towel. I leave the bathroom to find some clothes but I stop as soon as I step into my bedroom.

I furrow my brows and take a step back at the sight of the the communication device laying on my bed. It was pulsing with a glow. I look around my room. "Hello? Not funny." I say loudly.

I stand in the silence for a moment, waiting for an answer. When there's no reply I rush to my closet and throw on some loose clothing.

I glance around my room and I see an empty mug on my desk. I run over and drag it off the desk. I use the mug to scoop up the device from my bed. The device causes the mug to shake.

I hurry to the living room. It was empty. Damn it. Why were they never there when I needed them there.

"JARVIS, please call an emergency meeting. Now." I say breathy.

"Of course." The AI responds.

I place the mug down on the island counter and I pace the room. They all join me and are gathered within minutes.

They notice the mug but don't say a thing. They all know the look on my face. Once they're all there I pause and look up at them.

"Who did it?" I ask and watch their faces become even more confused.

"Did what?" Bucky asks quietly.

I shake my head. It didn't make sense. I point to the device. "When I got out of the shower that was laying on my bed. Glowing." I say panicked.

They all move their gaze from me to the device in front of us.

"How is that possible?" Steve asks.

I shrug. "Beats me but i've had it up to here with this device."

Gamora steps forward. "May I?" She asks looking at the device.

I step back. "Go ahead."

She approaches the device and picks it up. I tilt my head, confused.

She lifts the device, feeling it's weight. "It's Udhar. My father taught us about their technology." She utters.

"What's it doing?" Nat asks her.

"It looks like it's requesting communication." She says. "But only the Udhar can use it so I don't understand why...." She starts.

Everyone's eyes fall back on me.

"Oh no. Definitely not." I protest.

"Y/n...." Sam starts.

"Seriously?!" I ask annoyed.

"Look no one wants you to get hurt but if it's Loki we could use the intel..."Steve says slowly.

God I hated this. I sigh and furrow my brows at them all. "You all owe me one." I growl pointing my fingers at all them.

"What's she gonna do?" Rocket asks.

I turn around and pick up the device in one swift movement. I wrap both hands around it and take a deep breath.

I feel myself lift from the ground and I gasp. Before I enter the dream state I hear a faint voice.

"Well then." Someone says quietly.

I close my eyes and when I open them again i'm back on the dark and dreary planet.

I groan at the familiar smirk of a man in front of me.

I scowl. "What do you want now?"

He stays quiet and starts pacing in front of me.

"Why am I here? You want to give me your location? We can chat in person." I scoff.

He stops and turns to me.  "Why are you here Y/n. You could have simply declined the offer of my call." He chuckles.

I squint my eyes. " I'm only here because we need information. Nothing else. So talk." I say crossing my arms.

"Well then. Welcome." He says and turns to me.

I tilt my head in confusion.

"Welcome to your end."

Last update: 02/21/21   9:52pm

We reached 100k views!! I cannot express how much I love you all!! Again though, as I said earlier we're starting to come to a close. For real this time. Sorry for the late chapter again! <<3

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