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I held myself together as best I could. After almost a week I left his room. I was wearing the same shorts and sweatshirt for the past few days. My hair was in braids and I had bags under my eyes. I walked into the kitchen and saw Steve,Sam, Bucky, Wanda, and Clint sitting on the couch. I didn't say anything I just shuffled into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

I caught someone's eye because the room became silent. "Hey Y/n.. It's nice to see you" Sam says kindly and somewhat cautiously.

I just turn to them and give a weak smile. I make a little cup of coffee and walk over the couch. I sit next to Steve and lean into his side. It's quiet for a moment, none of them knew what to say.

"I uh heard Sam passed out during training.." I chuckle.

I can almost head them all let out a breath they had been holding in. "Man the first thing you say is making fun of me!" He laughs.

The tension has been broken as they continue their conversations. Eventually everyone had made their way to kitchen for breakfast. I'm guessing when they saw me they decided to sit and join the conversation. I talked a little bit but I stayed quiet for a lot of it. I watched the group around me grow larger and people started smile bigger. After a little bit I left them and grabbed my headphones and went to the training room. I fought the punching bags with all my might, releasing built up emotion.

**Time Skip**

It had now been about two and half weeks after a the explosion. I was still leaving the room but I had continued to be quiet. Today was the day of Eli's funeral. I got changed into a black dress and curled my hair. I rummaged through Eli's closet. I smiled. I grabbed something and then continued looking. I found a pair of sunglasses sitting on a chest and picked them up. I put them on and walked out of the closet. I looked at myself in a mirror again.

I put my things in a small bag and started to the roof. My heels clicked as I walked up the stairs. The door to the roof is opened and i'm blinded by the sun. I'm greeted by the rest of the team. I smile at them and take a deep breath. We load onto the jet and I sit down near the front. We talk on the way to the barn although it's not a very far ride.

We land in the field nearby. I lead everyone off the jet and we meet up with a few other people I had sent invites. It was a small group but there was more than 10 people. The first place we went was the cemetery. We gathered around a coffin that was being held over a hole in the ground. Everyone places a flower on top of the coffin and it was lowered into the ground by some workers. I watch in silence as these strangers lower my best friend into the cold ground. I say goodbye to him and I turn as they  start to cover the coffin.

I take a deep breath and get everyone's attention. I lead them to the barn. There are some chairs set up towards the back and we walk over to them. There is a small space in front of the chairs and that's where I stand. I take one more deep breath.

"Ok um well first of all thank everyone for coming out today. All of you knew Eli and how lovable he was. Eli was such a kind soul and he was best friend. This barn is where Eli and I lived by ourselves when we were teenagers. We protected each other and he became a brother to me. I thought he was dead up until a month ago. I fought to get him back and I used the hope in him to bring him back. Eli was used by Hydra. I will not let that be his legacy. He was not the Hydra soldier, he was a brother, a friend, a-" My voice cracks as I hold back tears. "A hero to me and to others. He was dealt bad cards, he was not the most fortunate but he still stayed positive and made me smile. He was the strongest person I know and I already miss him." I look up to the sky. "I never really believed in a god or heaven, but I believe Eli is in a heaven of sorts. I love you E and you're in a better place now." I finish my speech and tears begin to roll down my face.

I sit back down in a chair in the small group. "Oh if anyone else wants to say anything go ahead."

I hear a chair move and someone stand. I look up and Tony is standing up. "I only knew the kid for a short while but he really impacted me and my team I know. We all learned from him. He taught us that no matter where you come you can do good. He was a good kid and his life was not wasted." He sits back down and nods at me.

Bucky stands up now. "I lived through similar events but I was never as strong as Eli. I had become pretty good friends with him for the time he stayed with us. We had bonded over our stories. I might have taught him some more fighting techniques but Eli, he taught me so many more life lessons. I'm grateful to have known the kid." Bucky sits down and looks at his hands in his lap.

Clint doesn't stand but he speaks. "I am a pretty old dude. I mean i've got a family and i've got my team. My team is like a second family to me and that kid- Eli he became family to me in such a short time."

A few others spoke, kind of keeping on the same lines but each one of their speeches were special. After a few more minutes of silence I stood back up, wiping tears off my cheeks.

" Ok well thank all of you for coming. Have a good day." I nod and smile.

Several people leave the barn and I wander off. I walk around the barn looking at my childhood and smiling. I pull a t-shirt out of my bag and place it on one of the beds of hay. I smile and turn to see Steve behind me. "He was a good kid. You guys really stay here?"

I smile and nod. I hug Steve and bury my head in his chest. "Thank you Steve." I whisper. I look into his eyes and kiss him. He smiles down at me. I showed him a few little things around the barn and then we walked back to the jet. Everyone else was standing outside the jet, waiting. They were having light conversation and when Steve and I reached them everything paused. We went around hugging each other for a minute in silence.

We load into the jet and take back off to the tower. I watch as the barn gets smaller and smaller and my brother, my friend disappeared from view.

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