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I lay under the rubble of the ceiling. A small series of explosions had gone off causing the structure of the building to deteriorate.

I couldn't move and everything hurt. I heard someone calling out.

"BUCKY? NAT? Y/N?" the voice asked frantically.

I try to speak, try to signal that i'm here but nothing happens.

"Oh god I found Nat!" The voice said panicked.

I hear the rubble shifting and hear several gasps.

"Shit we've got to get her to the ship for medical attention!" The voice says quietly.

"She was with Y/n and Bucky, we can't leave the other two?" Another person says almost pleading with the first voice.

Once again I try to speak but only a small squeak comes out. I hear footsteps retreating. No. No. No.No. They couldn't leave me!

Fear rushed through my mind and disturbing thoughts plagued my head again. Something flowed through my veins and I started to shake ever so slightly. I can barely move my head but I can see a deep purple mist start to surround me. I let a gasp out as I felt a surge in strength and power.

With the slight movement of my hand the rubble on top of me shot up and hovered in the air. Keeping my hand in the same position I lift myself up. It hurt to stand but I did what I had to. I walked through the floating rubble until I saw someone laying on the ground.

I pushed the rubble to a corner and released it, causing it to pile up. I rushed over to Bucky and heard more footsteps surround me. I shake Bucky awake and look up to see Steve and Thor.

"What the hell happened?! Are you guys ok?" Steve asks obviously concerned for his friend.

I stand again and nod. "They're setting off small explosions, roof fell on us. Someone came and took Nat to the Quinjet. Bucky needs medical too." I say between breaths.

I feel a little woozy and struggle to stand. I feel Thor's arms under my arms holding me up. I hold my head as a crazy headache pained me.

"What happened with Mack?" I ask to distract myself.

"Detained him and loaded him onto the jet. We'll talk to him at the tower. Get information from them." Thor responded calmly.

I nod again as the headache fades. "I need to- I need to get to the control room." I say weakly.

"I think you need medical too lady Y/n." Thor says grabbing my arm.

I shake him off and realize the backpack is gone. I search the room with my eyes trying to find anything. "Shit!" I say under my breath.

I look over and see Steve lifting Bucky from the ground. Bucky was barely conscious. I shake my head.

"No im fine. Just get Bucky to the jet and find anyone else you need to take it. I can handle the explosion part. Plus if anyone's dying here it's me." I speak proudly then cock my head.

Steve and Thor also look confused. "Y/n?"

"I- I didn't mean to say that.. I wasn't even?" I say confused.

"Y/n why do you need to stay behind?" Steve questions.

"I need to find the backpack and find the files on me, Zola said there was more about me I didn't know." I exclaim before clapping my hands over my mouth.

"He gave me a truth serum, please don't ask any personal question!" I say specifically to Thor.

He just smiles. "Who do you think is the most handsome avenger Y/n?" He asks proudly.

I raise an eyebrow. "Steve of course. I mean he truly does have america's ass." I snicker then pause.

Thor looks a little pissed. I just half heartedly smile at him.

"Ok Steve you get Bucky to the jet, Thor there's one more person you need to find, Dr. Schmuck, shes in charge of HYDRAS search for targets. I'm sure she's here. Tell me through comma when you're done ok?" I command.

The two men smile and nod. We head a commotion and I turn to be greeted my a large group of people. People with big guns.

I turn back towards Steve and Thor. "Go, I can handle them." I assume as they start running the other way.

I allow the purple mist to surge through me again as I feel myself lifting from off the ground. My smile taunts them as a few of them lift their guns.

I flick my fingers and some of the guns turn themselves towards the attackers and i imitate the motion of pulling the trigger and gunfire is released into the sea of agents.

I look into a reflective surface and see my eyes glowing and my hair floating around me. I smile. True power.

I continue through the wave of attackers until they've all been shot down or they've run off. I smile as I float down to the ground. I look up at a security camera and ball my hand into a fist causing the camera to crush itself.

I smile and grab some of the guns off the fallen men. I search the area of the explosion looking for the bag. I dug through the rubble and eventually find the bag with some blood stains on it.

I pick it up and sling it back over my shoulder. I take off in a skip down the halls. Red lights blinking, alarms blaring, blood dripping off of me and all I could think of was the building going up in flames. I smile at the thought. I reach the control room and start to search the rooms.

"How's it going guys?" I ask on comms.

"Everyone except Thor is on the jet now" I hear Tony answer.

"Thor? How much more time do you need?" I ask practically sitting on the edge of the chair.

"Five minutes at the most" He says through comms followed by a series of grunts.

"Deal! I'll set the bombs to 10 minutes, make sure you're out!" I say gleefully.

It was almost a childlike happiness. It had been awhile since I had felt like this. I was going to end my nightmares

I use surrounding materials to build a small bomb. I set the timer to 10 minutes and place it in a small machine. This small machine would trigger a series of much larger explosions, which would destroy the building.

I pick the bag back up and start to skip out of the room and make my way to the exit. I meet up with Thor halfway. He was holding a woman in handcuffs. I wave at her enthusiastically. She rolls her eyes.

We make it outside and to the jet. I am still counting down in my head. 1 minute 37 seconds. We load the woman onto the jet into the holding area where Jaden sits as well.

I smile at him mischievously and see he is covered in bruises and he looks defeated. The jet lifts into the air and I rush to the window.

I watch in delight as the building that forever tortured my mind exploded as my forever nightmare seemed to end.

I smile as a wave of relief washes over me. I hug those around me. After that I go to find Nat and Bucky. Bucky is sitting up and conscious but Nat is just the opposite.

I sit down near Tony who is controlling the jet. I open the bag that I clung to and look inside for the first time.

Inside are several little glass vials and the folder. I lift one of the vials and examine it. It was yellow and looked goey. I slip it back into the bag and grab the folder.

I take a deep breath and open it. My eyes scan the folder and the fear that I thought was gone starts to fill me again and my mouth drops and I let a small noise escape me.

I hear someone else and look up to see Jaden. Laughing. Laughing at me.

A lot of people are asking for Bucky so i'm gonna start another story with Bucky so keep your eyes out!

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