Another Escape

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My heels clicked on the floor as I speed walked to my room. I held a cup of water in my hand and I took one last sip and tossed it to the ground. I reached my room and opened the door and didn't bother to close it behind me. I slung the small bag over my shoulder and attached a small harness under the waist of my dress.

I took one last look around. I needed to do this, I needed to find Eli and this was the only way I knew how to do it. I hated it but I had to do what I always do: run.

I went to the small balcony just beside the large window on the wall. I attached the harness around my waist to a small but strong rope that attached to beneath the balcony. I took a step up onto the railing of the balcony and looked down. Damn. It was definitely higher than I thought.

I heard a whisper and turned around to see Steve standing in the doorway.

"Y/N? Please get down from there. Cmon we need you! You don't need to do this! There's always another option."

He seemed desperate. I gave him a small smile and turned to face him.

"Sorry Blondie"

His eyes widened as I fell backwards. Instead of going straight down I swung back into the building, crashing through the glass on the floor below. I managed to roll and land on my feet. In one swift move I rip the skirt off my dress and get the harness off. The dress turns into a suit of sorts. I look up to see Bucky staring. Well, this wasn't part of the plan. I wink at him and take off running.

I knew he was behind me before I could even leave the room. As I leave the room I close the door behind me and prop it closed with a nearby chair, trapping Bucky inside. He's trying to talk to me but I can't hear him through the door. I smile and take off again. I hear an announcement over the speaker system. The party was being finished early. Oh lucky me!

I slyly made my way through the stairwell and up to the roof. No one else had come up here yet. I run over to a jet a bit smaller than the quinjet. I open the door and hop in. "Jarvis?"
The AI's voice responded. "Yes Ms. Y/L/N?"
Awesome. "Set a course for Norfolk, Virginia?"
"Of course ma'am. You should know the building is in lockdown." Damn. "Oh uh thank you Jarvis. Can you turn off the tracker before we leave?" I hear a small beep and I assume that was the tracker turning off.

The jet takes off and I sit down in the back. I pull out my folder and begin reading for what seems like the millionth time. I reach for my pocket. "Damn it! I forgot the flash drive."
*Back at the tower*

Steve stares at the balcony wide eyed. He runs over and looks over the edge. It was too dark and they were too high up to see the ground. He began to run as he heard the announcement over the speaker. Tony ended the party. He tried to called for them before Y/N jumped. He met up with them and started to run down floors.

Steve stops to see Sam laughing at a door that looked to be propped closed. "Sam what the hell are you doing?? We've got a situation!"

Sam just turns. "I dont know what happened but someone locked the terminator in the work room"

Sam finally opens the door to see a dazed Bucky.

"I swear i'm gonna kill her!!"

Steve stops. "Who?"

Bucky brushes himself off "Y/N! She jumps in through the window and locks me in here!!". He's obviously frustrated.

You could see Steve's puzzled expression. He turns to everyone else and they seem confused as well. Sam and Bucky had no idea what was happening. Steve's voice seemed a little angry now.

"She jumped off the balcony, I watched her. I thought she died. What the hell. The question is why."

Bucky and Sam stare at each other shocked. Sam pushes past everyone and finds his way to Y/N's room. He storms in and notices a laptop on the bed. Not too long after everyone else makes their way in.

Sam opens the computer and sees the login screen. "Tony can you hack into the computer?"

Tony struts up to him. "Can I? Ha! Of course I can easy, just give me a sec."

Tony snatches the computer and starts typing. After a minute everyone hears a click and Tony throws his arms up. "Done! Record timing!". Sam pushes him out of the way and searches the computer. Everyone else searches the room. Nat finds a small flash drive under the bed. "Sam, try this!". She tosses the flash drive to Sam. He catches it and plugs it in. Everyone is gathered around him.

Files overload the screen and Hydras symbol pops up. Everyones confused but Steve is angry. "Was she working with Hydra this whole time?" No one said a thing. "It's the only way to explain it! I mean why else would she have this and not share it or tell us?! It could have important information!" Silence.

Tony grabs the laptop and scrolls. "Hold up cap. It looks like a file was deleted. If you give me time, I can get it back and tomorrow we can search for her." Steve storms out of the room.

"Did she say how she was escaping Buck?"

"No she didn't say a thing to me!"

All the sudden Jarvis speaks. "Sir I regret to inform you that I know how ms. Y/N left."


"One of the jets on the roof seems to be missing."

"Damn it!"

Everyone runs to roof to see Jarvis was right. She stole a jet.

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