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I wake up to the sun shining in through my window. I move and feel Steve stir beneath my head. I sit up and scratch my head. I yawn and slowly move off my bed, careful not to wake Steve. I grab some clothes from my dresser and walk into the bathroom.

I change and wash my face. I ruffle my hair and leave the bathroom. I smile at the sight of a big ole super soldier snoring on my bed. I giggle and creep over to his side. I wake him with a kiss on the forehead and he stirs. He murmurs something but I don't understand what he says. I laugh.

"Fury is gonna be here soon I gotta go." I say softly.

He sits up and groans.

I roll my eyes playfully and leave my room. I strut out to the kitchen and start moving around. I can't help but smile at the familiarity of it all. It felt as if I hadn't left. I move around the kitchen and make myself coffee and grab some fruit.

I sit at the island and eat my breakfast. Everyone else trudges in through time and soon i'm surrounded by half asleep hero's.

It's 10am when Fury steps out of the elevator. He doesn't need to say anything for us to know where to go. We just get up and follow he to the meeting room.

Once everyone has sit down and settled, Fury pulls up a hologram with photos of the base.

He plays security footage from the attack and we see the creatures again. He pauses it and enhances the image.

"The creatures have been identified by Thor as the Udhar alien race. As you can see they are wearing armor that covers most of them. The metal on the armor is most definitely anything we have here. Top Shield scientists are examining it but so far... we got nothing. Anything you guys know that we don't?"

It's quiet. None of us knew exactly what was the deal with these guys.

I adjust my posture and sit farther up. "Based on my examination of the communication device, it hasn't been on Earth for very long. It's as if.... it's as if someone gave it to HYDRA." I say.

"Who are they contacting then?" Fury asks.

"I can't know for certain, but either they communicating with themselves or... they're being controlled by someone or something and this is how they get orders? But it's just a theory..." I say

Fury raises an eyebrow. "Well ok then. Did you get anything out of Schmuck before she was killed?" He interrogates.

I sigh and look down at the table. "She told me that while it may have started out as just HYDRA, now it was different because they had help... from above?"

I look back up and everyone is visibly confused. Fury shakes his head. "Anything else?" He asks frustrated now.

"She mentioned my origins sir... said I was going to learn about... my origins." I say slowly.

Fury cocks his head and furrows his eyebrows.
"I'm sorry your origins? The hell does that mean?" He asks.

"I-I don't know sir." I respond quietly.

"Y/n's powers, the mist it's purple is it not?" Thor asks.

I whip my hand out so my palm is face up. The purple mist forms on my hand as my fingers twitch. The mist forms a ball. I nod and it disappears.

Thor points to the mist as it disappears. "It is the same color as the aliens is it not?" He points out.

I tilt my head. He was right.

"Your origins Y/n. Are you sure your parents were killed, or at that human?" Nat asks.

I turn to her. "Well I saw them bleeding out at our kitchen table when I was like 3 so, yea i'm pretty sure they're dead. Plus I wasn't born with my powers. HYDRA gave them to me." I defend myself.

"Well that sets the alien alliance timeline back." Tony sighs.

"What if I can manipulate the device with my powers? Get it to give us some feedback?" I ask.

Fury points to me. "Million dollar idea!" He says. He leaves the room and makes a phone call.

"The moment this goes haywire, you stop. Understand?" Clint says sternly.

I laugh. "Yes sir. I think i'll chill on the life threatening stuff for now." I say.

Fury comes back into the room, holding a white briefcase. He closes the door behind him and sets the case down on the table. He pushes it to me.

I take a deep breath and click the locks. The case flips open and reveals the glowing device. I pick it up and wrap both hands around it. I close my eyes and focus.

I gasp as I feel myself lift from the floor and my hair floats up.

I see darkness. My mind goes blank. Suddenly i'm standing again. I'm standing in this room. No it's outside, I think? I can't tell. I look down and there's nothing in my hands. The device was gone.

"Hello?" I call out. "Anyone home?"

No response.

I try to walk around. Everything looked the same. I felt as if I was walking in circles. This wasn't Earth, that was for sure.

I hear what can only be described as a blip. I turn around to see a man standing feet away from me.

I take a step forward to him and he cocks his head.

"You are an Udhar?" He says in a funny accent.

"Udhar? No. Are you?" I ask frantically.

He laughs. "No. How did you get here?" He pushes.

"I-I don't know. Wait... are you who sent the Udhar?" I stutter.

He sharpens his gaze. "You are midguardian?"

"The hell is that?". Now i'm confused.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Y/n. Where are we? Answer my question!" I practically shout.

The man smirks. "I sense you'll soon find out." He says and a staff forms in his hand.

He marches toward me and I throw my hands up to retaliate. Purple energy shoots out from my hand, sending the man flying backwards.

I pant and lower my hands. The man stands back up and smiles at me mischievously. "Interesting." He smirks.

He shoots a blast my way from the staff and everything disappears.

I eyes open and i'm back in the meeting room. I fall back into my chair and i'm breathing heavily. "It's bigger than we ever thought." I pant.

Last update: 02/05/21 3:14pm

Hey guys! Now it gets interesting again :)

Anyone else watch the new WandaVision episode this morning. Oh Chile 😮🤚

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