Bad Memories

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My mind went blank. All I could think about was the past. It's like I wasn't there, like I never was. The room around me disappeared. The noises stopped and I sat in silence, the darkness of my mind the only thing surrounding me.

The little girl stayed in the room with the other children for the next few months. She was taught to recognize weapons, the weakest points on people, and that Hydra was the good guys.

The older she became the more she learned and the more she excelled. By age 7 she pulled ahead. She was the smartest out of her group and she showed great potential. That's when she was taken again. She had grown close to the other girls, they had become her new family and once again she was ripped away from them.

Now the girl entered a new room, one she had never seen before, with new people as well. She was led to a table and was instructed to lay down. She did as told. That was something they liked about her. She always did as told. The panic and fear built in her eyes as the new people around her strapped her into the chair and strapped her head down. A wooden rod was placed in the girls mouth and she bit down on it.

Then the experimentation began. The child screamed and screamed. The doctors never stopped, they never took a break. That's when the girl realized, they weren't the good guys. There was no way. She eventually broke the wooden rod in her mouth with the force of a true soldier. She struggled to get out of the restraints as the scientist cheered and left. She was left alone. Left alone to cry and to fear for her own future.

End Flashback

I was shook back into reality. The darkness around me shrank away as the voices grew louder. I jolted.
"Y/L/N? Are you ok? Put your hands down!"

I looked down at my hands to see them glowing with a purple tinted mist. Quickly realizing what I did the mist disappeared. I looked back up to see everyone's eyes trained on me. I shook back into my tough guy act and looked back up at Fury.

"I know where that is. It's in rural Russia. If you get me a map I can point out the general area."

Of course this raised a bit of suspicion but I didn't feel the need to explain myself. The video was paused on the small girl screaming. She was younger than I was. Fury whisked his fingers and a large holographic map appeared on the table. I moved it around until I found the spot. I circled it and looked back up at everyone else.

"This is where the entrance is. There should be a shed somewhere in a field. This is where they enter, they try and keep the locations secret obviously. The Shed is an elevator that leads to a metal underground tunnel. From there if goes to an old laboratory. I don't remem- I mean know my way around the inside though." Crap. I messed up my words.

"What do you mean remember?" Fury questioned me.

"Oh i uh, I just misspoke sorry sir."

I had a feeling they didn't quite believe me, but what could I do?

"Ok then, create a plan and find a good time to execute it. I want this done by the end of the month." And with that, Fury left.

I stood up from the table and left as well. I walked back to my room and laid down on the bed. My head was pounding , different thoughts racing through. I hadn't been back there since I had escaped. Perhaps this would help me get over it? Overpower the fear and face them all. I took a deep breath and regrouped myself.

I pulled out a notebook and started writing. I wrote all I could remember and anything that would help. I thought of different plans and wrote them all down, eliminating those that wouldn't work as I went along. Half an hour later i put down the pen and picked up the notebook. I speed walked back to the meeting room, stopping before entering.

"Do you think this is where she escaped from? She knows a lot about it. She even started to say she remembered it!" Tony was expressing his concerns to the team: as expected.

"Maybe... or maybe she just knows about the facilities in general? Either way we could use all the information we can get, so it shouldn't matter how she knows."

God I loved Nat. She always knew just what to say. Once she finished talking I threw open the doors, clutching the notebook to my chest.

"I think I have a plan."

I pushed the notebook towards Tony as everyone's eyes moved to me. Tony raises and eyebrow and picks up a book. I begin to explain my plan.

Everyone nodded as I finished explaining. I realized I was out of breath. I didn't mean to talk so aggressively. I just wanted that base gone, and all the bad memories along with them.

Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you for reading!!! I reached 100 views and I think that's super exciting!! I have some good stuff planned for the next few chapters so I hope you're ready and I really hope you guys are enjoying!

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