31| care

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[y/n] found herself at the hospital's rooftop, her hair draping down, but a light breeze began to flow through her locks. Her knees were pressed up into her chest, and her arms hugging her shins.

She stared into the night sky, yet her vision was blurred by the tears the flowed from her eyes. She managed to escape the hospital room where she was being smother by doctors and scientists who were trying to figure out how her wings work.

"Oh, here you are," a gentle voice spoke from behind her.

"Tamaki?" she quickly wiped her tears away, and she tried to act as if she weren't crying seconds ago.

"You left your room...I-I got worried," Tamaki then took his seat beside her.

"I just needed some air," she faked a smile.

"You don't have to lie to me [y/n]," he sighed while placing his hand onto the top of her head.

"I-I know," she mumbled as her bottom lip quivered. Tamaki then pulled her onto his shoulder to rest his cheek onto the crown of her head.

"They'll grow back," he whispered while wrapping his hand around her waist.

"I know," she repeated just as gently. They stayed like that for a while until [y/n] finally fell asleep. Tamaki smiled when he heard her light snores. He carefully pulled her into his arms so that he could pick her up and take her back inside the hospital.

As Tamaki walked, he began to admire her features. He was entranced by everything, like the way her hair was a bit nappy, her eyes a little puffy because she had been crying, the scuffs and scratches that were littered all over. Yet he found her absolutely stunning.

"Oh, thank goodness you found her," [y/n] mother stood up as she watched Tamaki bring her daughter back.

"She was just getting some fresh air," Tamaki explained for [y/n] while gently placing her back onto the hospital bed.

"I see," her mother walked over to [y/n]'s side and brushed some of [y/n]'s hair behind her ear.

"She's going to get through this. Her aunt had the same quirk and went through something similar to this," [y/n]'s mother explained.

"Really?" Tamaki's eyes widen.

"Yeah, but the difference between her and [y/n] is that [y/n] has more passion and more grit than her aunt," the both of them watched over the sleeping young adult.

"Yeah, she's amazing," Tamaki spoke softly.

"And she's smart for picking someone like you," her mother placed her hand onto Tamaki's shoulder.

"Like m-me? I-I'm not g-great— I-I c-couldn't even p-protect her," he began to stammer through his words.

"[y/n] sees something in you that you have yet to see in yourself. There's a reason why she cares for you so much,"




idk if y'all know but i have job now 💀💀

and BRO it's so time consuming and exhausting 🥺

all i do is wake up, work, eat and sleep!

so it's so hard to find the time to write but I got today off so i did my best to write you a decent chapter.

sorry if you didn't like it :(

i hope in the future it gets better !

anyways thank you so much for being here I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH 😭💜

like always
stay safe and much love y'all 💜💜
- you dumb author marle 🤕

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