25| falling

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The roles were entirely reverse as Amajiki spoke to the cops. His tone was much more affirmative, and he kept a confident posture. Meanwhile, [y/n] hid behind Tamaki, her forehead pressed against his shoulder blade. Her body quivering immensely as she held onto Tamaki's hand. Her heart rate still racing as she desperately tried to calm herself down.

"Suneater! Is epiosa okay?!" Kirishima sprinted towards his partners. Tamaki gave [y/n]'s hand a gentle squeeze before whispering her situation to the underclassmen. All [y/n] could hear were mumbles before she was suddenly placed under Amajiki's arm. His cape quickly draping over her body.

"I...I don't like how the people are looking at you differently," anger boiled in his body when he saw the civilians giving [y/n] strange stares as they whispered god knows what. [y/n]'s urge to cry became unbearable after Tamaki said that.

"Fatgum, I'm taking [y/n] back to U.A.," Tamaki told their supervisor instead of asking. [y/n] then allowed her crush to guided her back to their new home, not uttering a single word as they walked. Once they reached a relatively empty area, Tamaki stopped in his tracks.

"[y/n]," he spoke gently as he removed himself from her.

"Y-Yeah," she answered with her head hanging low, her [e/c] eyes stayed glued onto the ground.

"You gotta...let it out,"

"What?" her head then tilted towards Tamaki.

"Well...um..." Tamaki then let out a deep sigh. He was frustrated because he was having a hard time figuring out the right words to say. So rather than speaking, he engulfed [y/n] into a hug. He knew [y/n] wasn't the one to have a complete breakdown during a patrol, but tonight she had all the right to shed a few tears of distress.

[y/n] immediately understood Tamaki's message, and which caused her to melted into his arms. Her hands quickly wrapping around him and latching onto his back.

"It's okay to be scared [y/n], you don't have to act brave all the time," he whispered softly as [y/n] finally broke into tears. He spoke the truth. No matter what situation [y/n] found herself in, she never cowers in fear. She faces the problem head-on even if she feels terrified in the inside.

"So it's okay to cry. What you're going through right now is terrifying...but you're going to get through it. Because you're strong...you're so strong..." his hand began to rub her back. His eyes dismissing the fact that her wings were no longer the same, and that was because he finally realized the real beauty he is falling for is [y/n].

Tamaki finally saw everything he wanted to see. He saw the way [y/n]'s lips curled into a smile. He saw the beautiful way her eyes would shut when she laughed. He saw the pink tint that fills her cheeks when she felt embarrassed. Tamaki Amajiki saw all these wonderful things, and he was falling in love with all of it.

what another update?!
ik ik shocker !
but i've been feeling hella inspired so if i don't act on it now who knows when i will 😀
so here we are with another update
just for you beautiful people 💜

-your dumb author marle 🙃

(p.s. sorry for any grammatical errors!)

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