27| somethings going on

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The sun seeped through Tamaki's eyelids, which brought him out of his peaceful slumber. His indigo eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, and when Tamaki's gaze fell to his chest, he felt his stomach burst with butterflies. A red blush began to form on his cheeks and flow towards his ears.

Yet he couldn't help but smile at the way [y/n] looked pressed up against his chest. Her hair draped down her face messily, and her lips were slightly open. [y/n]'s chest rose and dropped slowly with each breath she took, which left Tamaki wholly captivated by how beautiful she still managed to look. After witnessing all the emotions she went through the night before, seeing [y/n] at peace brought him pure joy.

Tamaki then decides to gently brush her hair behind her ear, believing it would help her sleep more comfortably. But in reality, it woke her up, [y/n]'s eyes pulled opened, and when she realized that she was indeed cuddling with her crush, she froze.

"Did...did I-I wake you? I-I'm sorry that must of been strange, I just th-though th-that—" the poor boy began to stumble through his words as a flustered expression filled his face.

"It's fine, Tamaki," she mumbled tiredly, her eyes still swollen from crying most of the night.

"Are you sure? I-I didn't mean to overstep any boundaries," he continued.

"You didn't though, if anything, I really enjoyed waking up to your touch," she smiled sweetly.

"My...t-touch?" he asked in shock.

"Yes, Tamaki, your touch," [y/n] reassured the boy before Kirishima began to bang on the door.


"It's too early for his yelling," Tamaki sighed before climbing over [y/n] so that he could answer the door.

"She's fine, Kirishima, and can you quiet down? You're too loud for this time of day," the tired boy answered, and [y/n] then walked over to the door.

"[y/n]? Wait a minute. You guys slept in the same dorm? Is that even allowed? Are you guys dating? Oh my god, you guys totally—"

"Kiri, please, it's too early," [y/n] whined from behind Tamaki.

"I knew there was something going on between you guys," Kirishima smirked.

"There's n-nothing going o-on," Tamaki mumbled, and that immediately sadden [y/n]. Her patience was starting to run out, and she truly does feel bad for not giving Tamaki the benefit of the doubt when it comes to love. But damn, did she just want to be his already.

"Yeah, there's nothing," she sighed before placing her slippers on.

"Thanks for letting me stay, Amajiki," [y/n] pushed past him so she could go out to the hallway with Kirishima.

"[y-y/n], w-wait," Tamaki grabbed her wrist before she could go any further since he didn't want to see her walk away with Kirishima again.

"Let me know if your quirk comes back," he managed to speak, and that very sentence made him internally smack himself in the head.

"Ok," she smiled lightly and began to walk away with the redhead first year.

"I'm so sorry [y/n]! I didn't think of what would happen to the trajectory of the bullet! I didn't mean for it to hit you! I'm truly sorry!" Kirishima shouted as tears began to well up in his eyes.

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