14| one way ticket

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"[y/n]! Come on; we're going to have lunch!" Kimberly yelled as she waved down the butterfly winged girl.

"I'm coming hold up, Kim!" [y/n] quickly floated off the ground and made her way towards the redhead.

It's the end of the school year and the end of [y/n]'s stay. She was ecstatic; the worse year of her life was finally ready to take a better turn. Even though her connections with her Japan friends had come to a weird halt, it has been months since having a decent conversation with any of them, and it really pained her. But she couldn't blame them, the time difference was already horrific and let alone they all had work studies.

So she knew that their rekindles would be very heartfelt. The only thing [y/n] had to wait for was the last two months of summer vacation to be over before she could return home.

"Hey babe," Mark wrapped his arm around [y/n] since he too was part of the lunch get together.

"Don't babe me. I'm not your girlfriend," she pushed his arm away.

"Last night would say otherwise," he snickered, and [y/n] blushed at his comment.

"Sh-Shut up!" she stammered and shot him a dirty look.

"Aww, don't be like that," Mark frowned, and his lips found themselves by her ear.

"Or I won't recreate last night," he whispered, but [y/n] flapped her wings open and flapped him away.

"I can't wait to get the hell out of here," she spoke under her breath.


Tamaki stared at his phone, the calendar app open as he started at the date of [y/n]'s arrival. He misses her so much it made his anxiety grow far worse, and Mirio took note of that. In a way, [y/n]'s wings provided him a distraction in the midst of the chaotic school. So without them, he found himself feeling worse during school hours.

"Has she texted you at all?" Mirio appeared beside him.

"Nope, it's been a while, actually," Tamaki clicked his phone off and shoved it into his pocket.

"Maki said that [y/n] has been super busy with her work-study, and she's even playing a sport since it looks good on her transcript," Mirio tried to shine some light onto Tamaki's worries.

"A sport?" Tamaki gave him a puzzled look.

"Something about the American culture, and that being heroes isn't the only thing that matters! Honestly, I wouldn't know their school system sucks!" Mirio let out a hardy laugh.

"Hope she's doing okay," the shy boy lets out a shaky sigh.

"To much stress can lead to lashing out, and from the times we called, she seemed stressed out," his worry for [y/n] grew even more.


"Looks like I have to stay, but I know you want to leave, so I ordered you a one-way ticket to Japan," her father gave her a light head pat as he watched [y/n] ate.

"I'm sorry, dad, but this sucked. I know you meant well, but in all honesty, California isn't for me," she gave him a sorry look.

"I understand, dear, thank you for giving it a shot,"

"I leave at the end of this next month, right?" she sighed. It still felt so far away.

"Yes, dear," he gave her a worried smile.

"Jeez, dad, you didn't even leave time for me to get used to the time zone again. I'm going to be so jet lag when school starts," [y/n] mumbled lightly since she knew once she arrives at Tokyo, she'll only have a weekend before starting her last year of school.

"I know, but those were the cheapest tickets I could find,"

"Alright, Dad, thanks for getting them for me," she still gave him a grateful smile. The only thing that matters was that she was finally going home.


this was such a shit chapter but i need a transition before [y/n] gets to japan!

kinda nervous bc i don't want to fail y'all 🥺
but thank you for reading i love you 😭💜
stay safe and much love!!
-marle ✨💜

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