30| i like you

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"Where is she?" Tamaki gripped onto Mirio as he made his way to the rest of the medics.

"Calm down, son, let's get you to the hospital," a paramedic began to take Mirio from his grip. His eyes began to scan around, and when they landed on  Nejire, he felt a sudden relief.

"Nejire! Where's [y/n]!?" the periwinkle haired girl flew her way towards her friend.

"I-I don't know," she answered while he watched him get carried into an ambulance.

"Wh-What," everything was hazy. The adrenaline that was keeping him going began to fade.

"She's missing," Nejire regretfully informed her injured friend.

"I-I...Sh-Shes missing?" the paramedic placed him onto the stretcher.

"It's alright; kid calm down. They'll find your friend," he spoke, and suddenly everything went black.


"Her wings are gone, 2nd-degree burns on her arms, and a gash to the back of her head," Aizawa looked over at [y/n]'s sleeping body.

"She should be dead, but I'm assuming she cocooned herself with her wings and arms since that's where all her injuries are," a nurse spoke to the teacher.

"She's so reckless. What caused her to go after the league," Aizawa mumbled angrily.

"She's fortunate if it weren't for that quirk of hers, these wounds would have been far worse," a doctor suddenly appeared into the room.

"How much of her wings are gone?" Aizawa questioned while examining her injured arms.

"Everything but the base of the wings," sighed the doctor.

"I see—" he was immediately cut off by a significantly injured Tamaki slamming the door open.

"Is she okay?" half of his face was bandaged, and his right side was holding onto an I.V. rack.

"Excuse me, but you should be resting, young man," a nurse began to walk towards the anxious boy.

"What did she do?" he limped towards her bed, his heart tearing as he saw how she was wrapped up in bandages.

"I honestly don't know," Aizawa replied while giving the usually timid boy a confused look.

"She's okay right?" Tamaki looked over to the doctor.

"She is; she might have a concussion and some severe burns, but she's alive," the doctor replied while a nurse rolled in another bed for him.

"Is she your girlfriend?" the nurse asked, and Aizawa looked at Tamaki, ready to hear his answer.

"Sh-She's...my partner...f-friend...I-I don't know I don't like labels," he replied while noticing her wings were missing.

"What did you do?" Tamaki whispered lightly as the nurse helped him into his bed, which was placed relatively close to [y/n]'s. She slowly opened her eyes and immediately shut them once she saw Aizawa's death stare.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled under her breath.

"Hmph," Aizawa responded, yet his anger was lifted once seeing [y/n] open her eyes.

"Shigaraki took the bullets," [y/n] continued, completely ignoring Tamaki's presence.

"Wh-Why did you go alone? Y-You c-could of...d-died," Tamaki shifted over to his side so he could face [y/n].

"I don't know. I just felt like I could be useful for once," she faced her back towards him. She didn't want to look at Tamaki.


"It doesn't matter, Tamaki, what's done has been done, and I can't change anything," she was hurting. Her only path to becoming a hero was ripped away, and she didn't know how long she would be wingless.

"[y/n] [l/n], don't you dare think you're useless, because of you my students are safe," Aizawa scorned at the third year.

"I didn't do shit, and it looks like I won't be for a while," she closed her eyes once more.

"That's not true!" Tamaki raised his voice.

"[y/n]! You did so much yesterday! More than you can imagine," he placed his hand onto her shoulder, newfound confidence radiating from the young man.

"I'll be back, and we'll talk about the league later [y/n]," Aizawa spoke as he felt the need to leave and let Amajiki handle this outburst [y/n] was having.

"Ok," she mumbled while attempting to shake Tamaki's hand off of her, but he kept his grip on [y/n].

"[y/n] please look at me," his voice softened as everyone began to empty the room. [y/n]'s heart ached; how could she deny Tamaki when he owns her heart. With a light sigh, [y/n] turned around and faced him, her eyes watering with tears.

"If it weren't for your words...[y/n] that fight would have gone differently for me...you kept me going, seeing you shine so bright like that I swear it was brighter than the sun. You kept those first years safe, and you were able to find out the league's next move! You did so much. Please acknowledge that" his cold hand found itself cupping her cheek. A tear then fell from her eye, and Tamaki's thumb gently wiped it away.

"Tamaki," she whimpered, oh how she imagined this moment.

"You're so amazing [y/n]," a timid smile began to form on his face, and [y/n] began to move closer to him.

"I like you," she managed to speak, though her voice was quiet, and only he could hear it.

"I like you too," he replied just as soft.

"No, Tamaki, I really—" [y/n] was genuinely astonished to feel his lips on hers. So much so it took her a few seconds to realize that the shyest boy in U.A. high school was indeed kissing her. When Tamaki noticed that she wasn't kissing him back, he immediately ripped himself away.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I j-just th-thought—" [y/n] quickly cupped Tamaki's face and replaced her lips onto his again, and in this kiss, the pair truly felt their feelings for each other. Once they released, [y/n] began to lose herself in his eyes.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that," she spoke while shuffling over to his hospital bed.

"You've been waiting?" he blushed as she began to cuddle up into his chest.

"For so long," [y/n] replied while brushing his indigo hair behind his ear.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting," he wrapped his arms around her waist. He loved how easy it was to touch her; he felt so comfortable around [y/n].

"You still like me even if I don't have my wings?" she chuckled lightly. Tamaki smiled at her question, and his head began to nod.

"Of course [y/n]," he placed a kiss onto her forehead.


EEEEEE this was so cute🥰


my shitty gift to you was an update 🥸

i hope you enjoyed 🥲
and i hope you have a
wonderful holiday weekend 💜
much love and stay safe cuties
-marle 💜

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