20| epiosa

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The three heroes walked the bustling japan streets, [y/n] feeling quite nervous since the atmosphere was much different from her usual American patrols. Tokyo felt much calmer and less aggressive than the California streets she once watched over.

"So, what's the worst thing you guys have seen during these patrols?" [y/n] asked as she flew gently beside Fatgum.

"It's been calm, but we have seen a slight spike on quirk enhancing drugs, but other than that, it has been—" Fatgum was immediately cut off by the sudden screams of people who were running out of a nearby restaurant.

"Spoke too soon?" [y/n] chuckled nervously before flying towards the chaos.

"[y/n] wait!" Fatgum shouted as he watched his recruit taking action.

"Suneater, catch up with her since you have wings too!" the pro-hero instructed, which immediately made Tamaki shot out his white feathers and take after his new partner.

"[y/n] d-don't rush in," Tamaki advised as they hid on the side of the building where the robbery was taking place.

"I've handled so many of these back in America," she whispered while listening to the man who was demanding money from the top of lungs.

"You hear the way his voice is shaking. This is his first robbery, and you can feel his anxiety. I'm going to walk in and let these bad boys do the rest of the work," [y/n] shot Tamaki a cheeky smile while pointing to her resting wings.

"We should wait for Fatgum," Tamaki grabbed her hand, not allowing her to go any further.

"He's not too far," Tamaki's confidence was meek, and he wasn't sure if he could handle the situation.

"Don't worry, Suneater, if anything goes wrong, you're also here, and besides, there's no time to discuss. We got this," [y/n] gave his hand a tight squeeze before entering the tension-filled restaurant.

"Oh my," [y/n] casually spoke, which immediately grabbed the aggressor's attention.

"W-Who are you?!" the masked man asked as his gun now aimed point-blank at [y/n]'s face.

"I'm [l/n], I heard some ruckus, and I wanted to make sure everything was okay here," her presence calmed the many hostages that were on the floor, shaking in fear.

"W-Well you see th-that's it not, so what are you going to do?" the robber hadn't noticed but [y/n]'s wings slowly began to pull open. The blues and purples began to glow and make a psychedelic motion.

"What about you drop the gun, and then we'll talk," the winged girl took a few steps closer to him. Her wings gradually putting the man into a trance, his mind being engulfed into the different colored hues. One of the many wonderful things her wings are capable of doing.

"N-No...uhh...wh-why am I h-here?" the robbery was losing his train of thought, and Tamaki noticed almost immediately. Quickly he made his way inside and captured the robber with his tentacles.

"Nice job, Suneater! I told you we could do it!" the hostages began to get up, a rush of relief flowing from them as they saw the two hero trainees take over the situation.

"That was amazing! Suneater!"

"Yeah! Good job, you two!"

"Wait, you look new! What's your name, butterfly girl?" the people began to bombard the two. Tamaki quickly handed the dazed robber to Fatgum, who had just arrived with officers, before hiding behind [y/n].

"Oh me?" she scratched her chin lightly as she bent her wings to shield Tamaki from the overly excited crowd.

"My name is Epiosa!"


thanks to @SamanthaMiller226416 and @risstiss
i was able to make [y/n] hero name by combining their suggestions!
i used:

to make Epiosa 💜🦋

hope you enjoyed!

kk i love you
thank you for reading 🥺💜
stay safe and much love y'all

(p.s. as always im sorry for any grammatical errors!)

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