33| darkness

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[y/n] found herself nose deep into many files based on villains that Fatgum had information on.

"W-We shouldn't be d-doing this [y/n]," Tamaki's voice shook. He stood by the door as lookout for [y/n].

"It's fine, Tamaki. I'm just looking for something," her fingers ran across each manila folder until she found one labeled as Dabi (flame villain).

"Here we are...ok, this all I need," she quickly grabbed the folder and shoved it into her bag.

"What are you doing [y/n]?" Tamaki asked as he took a glance back towards [y/n].

"Nothing, it's fine let's go get some takoyaki!" she grinned excitedly before walking towards him so they can leave the agency.

"That sounds good," Tamaki pushed back his worry after seeing her gleeful face. He even returned a small smile to [y/n] since he's been enjoying how intimate their moments together have been.


"You seem like you've been doing better lately," Tamaki spoke as the pair sat at a nearby park, a plate of takoyaki in between them as they ate.

"Yeah, the burns haven't been as painful as they usually are, thanks to recovery girl," [y/n] placed a small batter ball into her mouth.

" I'm glad...but how's your...your mental health? I've noticed that you...zone out a lot during class...it's like you're replaying something in your head," his eyes stared at the meal they were sharing. He was too nervous to look at [y/n]. He didn't know what kind of reaction he was going to get.

"Oh...being so close to death really wakes you up, you know?" [y/n] shrugged her shoulders as she stared off into the beauty of the park.

"Yeah, I know," Tamaki slowly began to move his eyes up towards [y/n].

"I'm just appreciating everything life has given me, and I'm taking it all in because it can all be taken away so quickly," her eyes scanned each beautiful feature the vibrant park had to offer.

"Y-Yeah," his voice shook lightly; he too was thinking of his fondest memories.

"I'm glad this life gave me you, Tamaki," she then tilted her head to face her shy boy.

"You make it easier to wake up in the morning," Tamaki's cheeks began to tint into a light pink.

"[y/n]..." his indigo-colored eyes finally looking into her eyes.

"You make it easier to live," he confesses, [y/n] lips curved into a smile.

"Tamaki Amajiki, you're too precious for this world," [y/n]'s hand found itself pushing a piece of his side bang behind his ear.

"Thank you for existing," she placed a light kiss onto his lips.


"Are you sure you don't want to sleepover?" Tamaki questioned while looking up to [y/n]; he rested on top of her, his chin propped up on her chest.

"Tomorrow, I need to get comfortable sleeping alone again. Besides, we'll get in trouble if they find out how much time we spend together alone in a dorm," she explained while running her hand through his soft hair.

"We're not doing anything wrong," he mumbled sadly.

"I know Tamaki, but we have to try to respect dorm policies," [y/n] giggled, her heart practically glowing due to how adorable Tamaki was acting.

"Yeah, your right," Tamaki sighed disappointingly.

"I'll walk you to your dorm then," he began to get up, and [y/n] followed. The pair slipped on their shoes and finally made their way to [y/n]'s dorm. It was a calming walking; no words were exchanged; it was just the couple enjoying one another.

Soon after they arrived at her dorm, Tamaki placed a light kiss on her forehead as he said goodbye, and as soon as [y/n] shut the door, she ran to her backpack. Her hand pulled out Dabi's file, and she immediately began to read. Her heart was racing when she read all of the gruesome details of crimes he has committed.

Yet her head tilted to the side when she read zero information about his life. No information about his origins, how he ended up roaming around Musutafu, how he became who he is...there was nothing. Making [y/n] feel absolutely irritated and wanting to know more. Her mind slowing beginning to fall into a sort of darkness that she was not ready for.

hope you liked it thank
you for all your support!
i've been trying to update more often now cuz why not lmao

i hope you have a good rest of your day or night!

much love and stay safe 🥰
-marle 🤢

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