21| epiosa and suneater

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"I don't see the big deal. Robberies are like a monthly thing in California! I mean, that was like the easiest one I've done in a while!" [y/n] explained as she walked in between both Fatgum and Suneater.

"You both handled it very well," Fatgum patted her head gently.

"Thanks, Fatgum!" [y/n] grinned before looking over to the anxious boy, who had his face covered by his hood.

"The crowded died down, Suneater, you don't have to hide under that hood over yours," [y/n] then leaned towards him, using her hand to lift his hood.

"I-I uh...like it better...under here," his eyes darted away immediately after looking into hers.

"Don't hide that handsome face of yours, Suneater! It's good for the people to see who's saving their lives!" [y/n] then returned her vision to the sidewalk in front of her.

Fatgum eyes widen when he saw Tamaki listen to [y/n]. Even though Tamaki felt uneasy due to the amount of eye contact he was having with civilians, he still manages to smile at the way [y/n] yawned and rubbed her eyes as she was still trying to adjust to the time change.

Cute. Was all he thought each time a little yawn left her mouth.

"You know what would be cool!" [y/n] perked up as an excellent idea popped into her mind.

"What's up, Epiosa?" Fatgum smiled, genuinely enjoy the new ambiance she added to his group.

"We should get one more student with us! It would be fun! Like a cute little first year! We'd show them the ropes and be a cool mentor!" Tamaki didn't hate the idea; maybe another member would take some of [y/n]'s attention since Tamaki could only take so much of it.

"Hmm, what do you think, Suneater?" the pro hero asked since he truly cared for Tamaki's opinion.

"I suppose a new member wouldn't be too bad...it would make us a squad meaning...we could divide into two even groups if necessary," Tamaki spoke rather quietly.

"So, you agree to Suneater?" [y/n] flew backward so that she could wrap her arms around his neck.

"I-I...y-yes...wh-what are you d-doing?" Tamaki's body tensed up immediately.

"I'm still a little jet lag, so I'm going to cling on to you as I  fly," she explained before resting her chin onto the crook of his neck.

"I-I," his mind quite literally went blank. The girl he was slowly falling for was draped around him, and he had no idea what to do.

"Does it bother you? I'll let go!" [y/n] began to feel bad for bombarding him out of nowhere.

"I-It's o-ok-ay," he mumbled nervously as he quickly pulled his hood over his face, doing his best to cover his flustered expression.

"Are you sure?" [y/n] asked, her eyes squinting in suspicion. She was honestly impressed with his response.

"M-Mhm," he hummed, and Fatgum's jaw dropped at the way Tamaki acted with [y/n], but he also found their bond quite adorable.

"So, I guess you guys should start keeping an eye on students that could join us!"

"Yes, sir!" [y/n] grinned at her boss, while Tamaki slowly nodded in agreement.


i love tamaki omg
he is so precious 😭💜

hope you guys enjoyed!


i love reading your comments! y'all are so funny omg 😭😭😭

thank you, thank you, thank you 💜💜

stay safe and much love y'all🥺
-marle 🤪

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