13| the truth is weird

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The blaring of [y/n]'s phone filled her ears, a scowl forming almost immediately as she saw the break of dawn through her window. She rolled her eyes once she saw all her luggage. Her hand then quickly found her phone, stabbing the stop button. The white light of her cellphone blinded until she sluggishly brought the brightness down.

Her heart dropped to her stomach when she saw her notifications. A love-struck smile filling her face when she saw they were all from Tamaki.

i know it's late

i just wanted to say sorry for running off

you really caught me by surprise

i've never had anyone kiss me before

i just felt so nervous, and i didn't know how to react. so i'm sorry for being so rude. i hope you have a safe trip.


i should be apologizing!

i should have known better than to be so touchy with you!

i'm sorry i hope that doesn't damage our friendship!

[y/n] then locked her phone, taking one deep sigh before getting out of bed.


"Tamaki! She's totally into you! I mean, she gave you a darn kiss," Mirio wrapped his arm around his best friend as Tamaki pulled his phone out.

"She sent me this...but I don't know how to respond," Tamaki let out a shaky sigh, he truly didn't understand how he was feeling, but he knew that he wanted to be more than just friends with [y/n].

"What about you say!" Mirio pulled the electronic device from him and quickly began typing away.

"No, it doesn't damage our friendship. If anything, I feel a lot closer to you, and I hope we can continue getting closer." Mirio grinned at his message.

"I suppose that works, just take off the last part...It sounds weird," Tamaki blushed, even though he knew it was true.

"The truth is weird sometimes, Tamaki! so I'm sending it!" Mirio quickly jabbed the send button.

"M-Mirio! No w-what—" Tamaki's tried to grab his phone, but Mirio moved away.

"Now, we wait and see!"

"You really like tormenting me!" Tamaki slouched in agony.

"I'm helping you out, Tamaki!"

"No, you're not,"

"Yes, I am,"




time skip to first day of [y/n]'s second year|

"H-Hello?" Tamaki answered his phone, his heart racing due to [y/n] being the one who was calling.

"H-Hi Tamaki, I-Is everything okay? No one's answering their ph-phones," [y/n] sniffled as she sat on her bed, feeling completely drained from her horrific first day of school.

"I think that's because it's one in the morning here," Tamaki replied, a small laugh left his lips, but it went unnoticed by [y/n].

"Oh, gosh! I-I must have woken y-you I'm sorry T-Tamaki I'll—" [y/n] instantly felt guilty, totally forgetting that they had 9 hour time difference.

"I'm actually awake...is everything okay you sound like you're...crying?" Tamaki was unsure how he could comfort [y/n], but he knew that he wanted to be there for her.

"I-I...I miss you guys. It's not the s-same. I-I th-thought I could do this b-but I want to go home. I want to go back to y-you guys," she finally broke down, Tamaki could hear sobs, and it made his stomach churn.

"[y/n] we miss you too, but you're so strong I know you can get through this year," a sudden boost of confidence filled the usual anxious boy.

"I-I can't," she cried softly.

"Yes, you can, I know you can. You're the [y/n] [l/n]. You're the top five of the whole school, remember that. You're amazingly talented and smart and so many other wonderful things," Tamaki began to speak from his heart. Of course, it was much easier since he didn't have to deal with the physical contact of comforting [y/n]. Nonetheless, he was doing something that was out of his comfort zone.



"Do you really mean all of that?" she whispered while wiping her tears away.

"Of course [y/n]," a small smile began to form on his lips.

"Hey, Tamaki?"

"Yeah [y/n],"

"Can you tell me how your day went?"

"As long as you tell me how yours went," he replied while cuddling into his bedsheets.

"You don't even want to know!" she let out a laugh, her sadness quickly disappearing.

"You first though!" [y/n] sniffled for the last time.

"Okay," Tamaki responded right before telling her how painstakingly boring his days at school have been without her.


hope you enjoyed i think i found a trail of thought for the story! might have a few "fillers" before [y/n] goes back to japan!

hope you enjoyed this chapter!

much love and stay safe!
-marle 🦋

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