34| little hero girl

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It was about 3 in the morning and [y/n] was deep into the internet. Her eyes bloodshot as she watched footage of Dabi. She mirrored Midoriya at this point since her hand quickly took notes on the infamous villain. She was still unsatisfied with the information she was able to get. [y/n] then took a deep breath in and slumped into her desk chair.

"Dabi, who in the world are you?" a frustrated sigh left her lips. [y/n] was able to figure out nothing new about the villain, and she desperately needs to know more.


"Miss [l/n], if you need to take a step out of the room, it's fine. You don't seem like yourself. Are you feeling any pain from your injuries?" her teacher whispered to the exhausted-looking girl.

"Actually...is it okay if I get excused? I honestly am feeling some pains again," her eyes drooped, and she rubbed the scars on her arms.

"Yes, I'll let the school attendance know," and with that, [y/n] exited the classroom. Not even batting an eye to Maki or Tamaki, and the both of them took note of that. It was already nearing the end of the school day and [y/n] quickly made her way into her dorm. She grabbed an oversized hoodie and a mask and promptly snuck out of the school.

As a third-year herself, she didn't have too many restrictions on leaving school. She just showed the security her school i.d. and continued to her mission. After making herself look less like a high school student, she began to walk into the city's depths.

"Maybe a nice coffee will wake me up," she yawned while making eye contact with a vending machine. With no hesitation, she walked over and quickly purchased a canned coffee.

"Now my hunt begins," she whispered as she cracked her coffee open. Her journey took her to the not so pretty parts of Japan. [y/n] didn't realize she spent so much time walking. Her eyes widen when she saw that the sun was slowly setting. The wingless girl was quite happy that she chose to wear her incognito; her mask covers her face, and her hoodie covered her upper body. Yet, she still felt slightly uncomfortable with the stares she was getting. She still had her stocking and school skirt on, and men made sure to eye her.

"Maybe he won't be out this early," she sighed while standing at the crosswalk post.

"Who you looking for, dear?" a voice spoke out as a tall figure appeared by her. Her stomach dropped when they wrapped their arm around her shoulder.

"That's none of your concern," she managed to speak, her voice still sounding as if she wasn't afraid.

"Cute skirt. I like how your stocking ends at your thighs, but I think you also look stunning in your hero uniform," she could feel the smug grin that was placed on his scarred face.

"Pervert," [y/n] scoffed as she tried to remove herself from his grip, but he only held her tighter.

"Look at us all in disguise, doing things we aren't supposed to be doing," his face inched closer to her neck.

"I'm surprised you're alive," he continued.

"I'm surprised you're not in jail yet," Dabi then began to lead her away from the public, his hand warming up, indicating that he would burn her if she didn't follow him.

"Little hero girl, what brings you to my area," his arm still draped over her. [y/n] knew Dabi could feel her heart racing.

"I-I was talking a walk," she lied, and a chuckle left the villain's lips.

"So far from home?" he now hid the both of them into a hardly lit alleyway, where he pinned her against the rustic brick wall.

"Went on longer than I anticipated," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Quit lying, girl. I can tell from the look of your eyes you want revenge. I took your quirk away, didn't I? I burned your stupid wings off," his voice brought goosebumps to her skin and tears to her eyes.

"A hero to be is now nothing, and it brings some weird type of glee to my sadistic self," his hand then cupped her face while fear and dread filled [y/n]'s body.

"Why? Why did you do it? Why did you want to kill me? I did nothing to you, and yet you didn't even think twice about killing me," her voice was low; she was too afraid to bring any attention to them.

"Because you stupid little heroes need a learn a damn lesson, you all are trying to become heroes for your selfish desires. Like fame and money, none of you are good at heart," his hand began to clutch her jaw even tighter.

"W-We want to s-save lives," she cried to the cerulean-eyed man.

"Sure you do," he scoffed before finally letting her

"Listen here, little hero girl, quit trying to look for me because the next time we meet will be the last time you understand?" he began to walk away; he had more important plans to deal with.

"No, I won't stop until I find a better path for you," she spoke out, which made Dabi stop in his trail.

"What did you say?" he turned his head back.

"You heard me Dabi, just because you think my quirks gone doesn't mean I'll give up on being a hero!" she ripped her hood off and crumpled her mask into her hand.

"This won't be the last time we meet. The next time I'll win," [y/n] spoke confidently.

"I see, and what if I burn you alive right here right now?" his hand began to light up into a deep blue flame.

"Do it; no one is stopping you!" she shouted while raising her hands.

"You're such a pest," Dabi rolled his eyes before shooting his large blue flame at her. [y/n] quickly shut her eyes and waited for the hellfire to burn her again, but before she knew it, Tamaki flew down and swooped her away from harm.

"Are you crazy?!" he shouted at the complete awe-struck girl.

hold up why do i like
where this is going omg 😩

thank you guys for being here i'm really trying to update as much as i can!

but i do have other responsibilities now!

i hope you enjoyed this chapter bc it was super fun to write 🥰
stay safe and much love y'all ❤️
- marle ‼️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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