28| lover girl

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Dread filled [y/n]'s body after she found out what she was really injected with. She felt sick to her stomach as her body went cold. How could someone be so cruel? So despicable? To a child, an innocent human being. [y/n] sighed before leaving the restroom to make her way back to her friends, but before she could turn the corner, she overheard Aizawa speaking to another pro hero.

"They're my students if anything were to happen to them..." he trailed off as if he didn't even want to imagine a horrific outcome for his work-study students.

"They're working with pro-heroes, Eraser; nothing will happen to them. They'll be protected no matter what, and besides, you'll be there to watch over them," the other hero responded.

"I suppose you're right, and even if I try to keep them away, they'll just end up doing something reckless," the black-haired man sighed.

"That is true," his company chuckled.

"Alright, I better go talk to them,"

"See ya!" the pair walked off, and [y/n] soon cross paths with the hero.

"Oh, [y/n] how are you feeling?" he asked as they meet right before the door.

"I'm fine thank you! But Erasure Head, don't worry too much about your students. I'll make it my duty to keep them safe," she smiled kindly.

"I see, thank you [y/n]," he rubbed the top of her head.

"They're troublesome, so be ready," he warned.

"Of course, sir," she nodded affirmatively.


"I'm worried," Maki sighed as she walked beside her winged best friend.

"Don't fret! We're fine! Just focus on your work-study, okay?" [y/n] gave her a side hug.

"Fine, fine," she rolled her purple eyes.

"Be safe, firefighter Oze!" [y/n] cheered as the pair arrived at the U.A.'s front gate.

"Will do, hero Epiosa!" they shared a high five, and they both went on their way.

"[y/n]! [y/n]!" Nejire came flying towards [y/n] with a worried look on her face.

"Yes, Nejire?" the periwinkle haired girl wrapped her arms around [y/n] her face showing how distraught she was.

"Mirio is super sad. I don't know what to do," she mumbled worriedly.

"Let's give him space, okay? When he's ready to talk, we'll be there to help out," [y/n] then gave her friend a light head pat.

"Okay," Nejire sighed softly.

"Where's Tamaki?" [y/n] asked. She began to fly towards the school with Nejire in her arms.

"Why? You going to go kiss him?" she cooed while poking [y/n]'s cheek.

"Nejire—I'm serious! Mirio is his biggest support system; we got to make sure we're watching over our anxious boy," [y/n] responded as she blushed at her comment.

"He's roaming somewhere around Mirio," Nejire replied, a grin from ear to ear as she saw how flustered [y/n] got.

It didn't take too long for [y/n] to find Tamaki; he was sitting inside one out of the may U.A. buildings. This particular building was not too far from Mirio, who was sitting outside.

"I'll let you two be," Nejire whispered as she hopped off [y/n] and began to walk away.

"W-Wait, why? C-Come with me!" she whispered angrily.

"Buh-Bye lover girl," Nejire winked before flying off.

[y/n] let out a shaky sigh. She felt quite nervous as she began to walk towards Tamaki. Her heart racing with each step she took. [y/n] watched as he sat down on the ground while jotting into one of his notebooks. After such intimate moments, she began to see Tamaki differently, and that might have been because of the way he unknowingly played with her heart. It isn't his fault; how could it be when he's just being a good friend. But [y/n], (who has undoubtedly fallen head over heels for the shy boy) managed or feel confused. She began to overthink their situation. She started to question whether or not he felt the same way.

"Hey Tamaki," she finally reached the indigo eyed boy.

"H-Hi [y/n]," he pried his eyes away from his notes so that he can meet hers.

"You doing alright?" she began to rock on the heel of her shoes. Her eyes averting his at all cost; she wasn't sure if she could handle meeting his.

"...um...Im doing as best as I can," he answered truthfully, his eyebrows furrowing at how bashful she was acting. [y/n] nodded her head at his answer; there was an awkward silence that she found quite difficult to fill.

"Are you doing okay?" Tamaki asked since it was the best thing to do at that moment.

"Oh, y-yeah! I'm f-fine! Like you said! I'm doing as best as I can," she replied nervously, her eyes still not meeting his.

"Are you sure?" he tilted his head slightly.

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm sure," she scratched the back of her head.

"Do...Do you want to...um sit with me? I'm watching over Mirio right now," [y/n] smiled nervously as she shook her head yes.

"I have some takoyaki. Would you like some?" he then pulled a white container.

"I'm okay," she sat down properly due to the skirt she was wearing.

"But you like takoyaki...[y/n] are you sure you're okay?" Tamaki moved his head closer to her. This time she had no other choice but to look into his eyes.

"I guess one won't hurt," she laughed lightly, as her heart fluttered at how sweet he was acting.

"Okay," Tamaki gave her a small smile before opening the container.

omg omg omg
i'm getting somewhere
with this damn slow burn 💀

thank you guys for 600 followers 🥺
and 80k+ views 😭💜

i'm glad you're enjoying the story 🥰

much love and stay safe cuties 💜

-big dummy marle 😁

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