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summer vacation|

"Tamaki! Hey Tamaki! Wait up!" Mirio jogged towards his best friend. Tamaki slowly came to a halt, his indigo eyes taking in the brightness that radiated from Mirio.

"You like the group chat I made," he playfully elbowed Amajiki's rib cage.

"The big 5?" he let out a little snicker. Though the anxiety-ridden boy was always serious, he still had a sense of humor.

"Yeah! I think that hanging out with those two will help us out! Because Maki has brute strength that actually frightens me, and [y/n]'s agility and quick thinking is something we can learn from...Oh, and I know you'd miss her wings over break," his large hand rubbed Tamaki's messy hair.

"I-I...You get a kick out of embarrassing me, don't you?" Tamaki sighed, sulking in the embarrassment Mirio gave him.

"No! I'm helping you out!"

"You're tormenting me,"

"Am not!"

"I can't win with you, Mirio,"


"Sorry, I'm late! I slept in a little too much!" [y/n] flew through the doors, immediately catching everyone's attention, especially Tamaki's.

"No worries, I don't blame ya!" Mirio paused his push-ups to greet her, and Amajiki taking a quick look at her eyes as he did another rep of crunches.

Were they always that vivid color? He thought to himself, his body working out but his mind wondering why he didn't even remember the color of her eyes. It bothered him, [y/n] is a one of a kind person, and the only thing he can imagine when he thought of her was her stunning wings.

He didn't mind the fact that her wings lived in his head rent-free. What he did mind is that he wanted to see more than just her wings. At one point, all he cared for was her wings, and the cute why they flutter through her emotions. But now he wanted to see those same emotions coming through her face.

He wanted to see the way her lips curled into a smile. He wanted to see how her eyes would shut when she laughed. He wanted to see the pink tint on her face when she felt embarrassed, Tamaki Amajiki wanted to see [y/n]. Yet his stomach would churn within mere seconds of eye contact with any other person. How could possibly face her when his courage comes and goes.

"Hey Tamaki, how are you?" he was pulled away from his train of thought and snapped back into reality, where he finally caught a glimpse of  [y/n]'s eyes. She floated right above him as he continued doing crunches. His eyes widen in surprise. He crawled backward, trying to put space in between them. His heart nearly jumping out of his chest each time it thumped.

"H-Hi...[y/n]...I'm...um okay...I guess," his cheeks burned red, his face now facing the floor.

"Good to hear!" she smiled ever so beautifully, but of course, he missed out on such a pretty sight.

"Hey [y/n], let's race!" Nejire shouted as she too began to float off the ground.

"Oh, it's on curly fry!" [y/n] looked back at the periwinkle haired girl, but before flying towards her, [y/n] took one last glimpse at her crush. Her cheeks burned once she noticed that she made dead eye contact with him. This was rare, so rare it made her wings twitch with excitement.

The last time this happened, her crush for him wasn't fully developed, so it didn't impact her the way it did today. Her heart nearly melted right then and there, she wasn't prepared for dead eye contact, yet it happened anyway. Her head snapped back towards Nejire, and she quickly flew to her side.

"Ready fairy princess?" she smirked.

"Th-These are butterfly wings! H-How many times do I have to tell you?!" she stuttered, her mind trying it's best to calm down.

[e/c]...their a rich [e/c]...her eyes are [e/c]. A quivered smile made its way on his face, now happy that he could think of her eyes the same way he can think of her wings.

𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡  ᵗᵃᵐᵃᵏⁱNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ