19| fatgum agency

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"Hey! first-year! you didn't think I forgot about the other day, did you?" [y/n] yelled as she saw the same ash-blonde who ruined [y/n]'s coffee a couple of days ago, exiting the school alone.

"The name is Katsuki Bakugou! Not first-year!" he turned around, with the same old scowl on his face.

"Doesn't matter. You're still a first-year to me!" she continued to walk towards him.

"Besides, you still owe me a coffee," she gave the two of them some space since she learned a little more about the first year punk.

"I don't owe you nothing," he spat. The attitude on this kid made [y/n] frown.

"Jeez, why are you so damn angry? You're going to end up with high blood pressure as a damn 18-year-old!" she crossed her arms and tilted her head to the side, a smug smile placed on her face.

"You want to fight or what?" he scoffed while dropping his bag.

"What kinda hero immediately uses violence as the first course of action?" [y/n] also placed her bag down too, eyeing the school she sees if anyone was around, and to their luck, it was empty since it had ended a few hours ago. [y/n] was still there since she had paperwork to fill in from her school transfer.

"Me, dumb ass!" he bent his knees a bit, but he wasn't ready for what [y/n] was going to do. He was severely underestimating her.

"Look, kid, just give me four bucks for the coffee you owe me. I really don't want to hurt you," [y/n] sighed since she wasn't very interested in fighting.

"I will if you can knock me off my feet," he snickered deviously.

"Pft! fine, you asked for it kid," at this point, it wasn't about the coffee but the lack of respect that just radiated from the boy. [y/n] then flew to his side, she was so fast Bakugou barely able to jump away, and as his feet were in the air [y/n] kicked them before he could land properly, which made him fall onto his butt.

"You got a long way before you can put up a proper fight with me," she bent down to face him once more.

"But you're reaction is much better than the last time, so I'll give you that, Bakugou Katsuki," she exaggerated his name, a smug look playing on her face when she ruffled his hair.

"Tch! Don't touch me!" Bakugou immediately swatted her hand away.

"Ah, don't be a brat you wanted this so-called fight," [y/n] pouted before flying back to get her school bag.

"See you around first-year Bakugou!" she smiled before finally making her way back home. Bakugou quickly got up and immediately dusted his pants off. His face was in a deeper scowl when [y/n] gave him one last wave goodbye.

"She's too fast," he grumbled before continuing his walk home.


"I'm so sorry I'm late Fatgum, I didn't think my transfer paperwork was going to take so long," [y/n] explained while bursting through his agency's doors.

"No problem, [y/n]! I'm glad that we can finally meet!" the pro hero exclaimed, as [y/n] patted her hero outfit down. She felt a bit anxious since it was a new style. She wore a midnight black bodysuit that fitted her body in an athletic way. It was also decorated with shimmery blue detailing.

"Yes, it's an absolute honor to be scouted by you," she bowed respectfully, while Tamaki found his way into the office as well.

"Our boy Suneater had a lot of nice things to say about you," Fatgum laughed, which immediately made Tamaki hide his face under his white hood.

"I-I...jeez Fatgum y-you really like embarrassing me," he mumbled quietly.

"He is a shy one, but Tamaki is stronger than most of the pro-heroes out here," a hearty laugh left Fatgum's mouth.

"I don't have a doubt in my mind that he is," [y/n] grinned at the wary boy.



omg imagine just patrolling with fatgum and tamaki dhsjjsnsjsj


do y'all want me to make a hero name
or should that be another fill in?
and if you want a hero name drop some suggestions 🙈

anyways i hope you enjoyed
THANK YOU FOR 20k views jdjdjsksksj
i love you!
thank you for being here!
much love and stay safe baby 💜
-marle 😈

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