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1st year of U

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1st year of U.A. High School

Tamaki Amajiki would watch from afar. Not once did he dare get near her, but his eye stayed glued onto [y/n], especially her beautiful wings. He adores them so much, so he would find himself sketching them on multiple occasions.

"Hey, elf boy, what are you doing?" A group of obnoxious second years huddled themselves around, Amajiki who was sitting alone during lunch. It had been a few months into the school year, and on this day, Mirio had to stay in class for some help on his lecture notes.

"I-I uhh I-I," Amajiki was attempting to muster words together, but his mind froze completely.

"You're buddy isn't around! Did he finally leave your coward ass," one mocked.

"Uh-hh n-no h-he," still to his dismay, Amajiki couldn't pronounce the right words to say.

"C-C-C-Come spit it out coward," another mimicked Amajiki's stammering.

"I don't know about you, Maki, but the only cowards I see are the dumb-looking second years picking on an innocent first year," [y/n] somehow found herself confronting the rude upper classmen.

"No, I agree," Maki crossed her now muscular arms.

"Y'all heard something?"

"Yes, I heard your idiotic footsteps leaving Tamaki alone," [y/n] sassed as she stepped closer to the lunch table.

"Look, fairy princess, what's going on here is between us men, so why don't you see yourself out," the leader smirked as his dark red eyes scanned [y/n].

"Men? I just see a bunch of little ass kids, trying to make themselves feel like men by picking on lower classmen," [y/n] placed a hand on her hip.

"Why don't you mind your business! Nothing here concerns you!" he finally turned around to face her.

"You see, Tamaki here is our friend, and we are planning to have lunch with him. So if you could leave the lunch table, that would be splendid!"

"Hmm, is that so?"

Tamaki couldn't focus at the moment; the voices he was hearing were turning into mush as he tried to recollect his hyperventilating breathing. Each of them sounded distorted, and he felt like the walls were caving in on him.

"Hey, Tamaki, you good?"

"Tamaki? Hello?"

[y/n] waved her hand in front of his eyes, he somehow missed the rest of the encounter. Tamaki still felt the as everything was closing in, but when his eyes met [y/n], it felt like her wings instantly pushed back the walls.

"Y-Yes," he did it! He was able to answer at least one question today.

"Is it okay if we sit with you then?" [y/n] smiled sweetly, though it looked like Tamaki was having eye contact he was just staring at her wings.

"Y-Yes," he mustered the same word again.

"Nice! Thanks, Tamaki," both Maki and [y/n] grinned as they took their seat in front of him.

"Hey, Tamaki, don't listen to those dirtbags! You aren't a coward or any of those mean words they say!" Maki began to speak as she pulled out her lunch.

"Yeah, if I'm going, to be honest, you're one of the sweetest guys at this school," [y/n]'s wings flutter lightly with excitement. Her words and actions made Tamaki blush and dart his eyes back down to his lunch. 

[y/n] didn't let Tamaki go unnoticed. She saw him from the corner of her eye. She saw the way his eyes sparkled when he watched her from afar. She knew Tamaki enjoyed looking at her wings, [y/n] understood that they somehow provided him comfort.

His watching didn't make her feel uncomfortable, because when he wasn't paying attention [y/n] would steal a few glances of Tamaki as well. She couldn't deny, [y/n] found Amajiki extremely attractive.

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