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tw// mention of abortion and pregnancy

It's been about four months since Spencer and I officially started dating, and it's been going well. He stays at my place most nights, partly because he doesn't want me bringing my entire closet with me every time I visit, but mainly it's because I actually buy food suitable for meals.

No one at work suspects our relationship because we still have the same relationship we used to, though it's more lovingly teasing than actually disliking each other.

Spencer still picks on me for being a spoiled brat and, naturally, I give as good as I get. I make fun of his mismatched socks and his finger tapping, but it doesn't seem to have the same effect anymore.

Lately, though, I haven't been in the mood for our usual playful banter. I've been getting terrible cramps in my back and lower stomach and I have been feeling more tired than usual. When I told Emily about my symptoms, she recommended I take a pregnancy test just to be safe, but I brushed the idea off.

There's no way I could be pregnant. Spencer and I only had unprotected sex once, and I was, and still am, taking birth control pills.

I deal with the pain and fatigue for a couple more days before I am fed up. After leaving work, I go straight to the pharmacy and pick up a test. I don't bother reading the labels; I find the cheapest one and check out, wanting to get home as fast as possible.

When I reach my apartment, I hurry through the door and throw my keys on the table on my way to the bathroom, ignoring Spencer's greeting.

I slam the bathroom door behind me and flick the lock, not wanting to be interrupted even though it still will probably happen.

I read the directions and after retaining enough information, I sit on the toilet and pee on the stick, which proved to be more difficult than I anticipated.

Good thing I drank a lot today.

When I finish, I place the test on the counter and close the lid to the toilet before sitting on it again.

"Y/n?" Spencer said through the door. Although he didn't yell, his voice still made me jump. "Is everything okay?"

"Uh..." I look down at my watch, noting that I have twenty seconds until the results show up. "Just a minute."

"What's wrong? Why did you come home late?" he asks.

"Please, Spencer, nothing is wrong. My stomach's just a little upset," I say, cringing at my own half-assed lie.

When I look back at the test, I see a pink line, and relief washes over me. Thank god. My bliss is short-lived, however, because a second line faintly appears next to the first and my heart drops.

"Fuck," I say aloud.

"Y/n, princess, please open the door," he pleads.

I try to hold back the tears that threaten to spill before I open the door, but as I stand from the toilet seat, Spencer is pushing the door open with a lock pick in his hand.

I watch his eyes widen as he takes in the scene before him. Me, with watery red eyes and the button of my pants undone, the positive test laying on the counter, and the remnants of the destroyed box on the floor.

"What's going-"

"I'm pregnant," I cut him off.

He blinks at me a couple of times as he lets the information I just told him process.

"Pregnant? With a baby?"

"Yes, genius, what the hell else would I be pregnant with?" I scoff. He can be so dense sometimes.

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