Chapter 11

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The jet ride back to Virginia was relatively uneventful, except for Reid's heated stares that I would catch every so often. It was like he was a predator stalking his prey, only instead of eating me, he wanted to fuck me until his name was the only thing I remembered.

I couldn't deny the effect his threat to dominate me had, but I'm not about to tell him that. If he thinks I would submit to him that easily if we ever made it that far, he has another thing coming.

Emily slides into the seat next to me and tucks my hair behind my ear, getting my attention. I wouldn't call Emily my best friend, but we've definitely gotten close during my time on the team.

"I heard you were in Reid's room last night", she smirks suggestively.

"Nothing happened", I say as I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you were talking about sounded pretty heated. Did he finally man up and give it to you?"

"And to think, I was going to invite you over tonight." That catches Emily's attention.

She scans over my body, zeroing in on where my cleavage disappears under my shirt collar. I nudge her slighting to get her to snap out of it, but I am unsuccessful. If anything, I've drawn more attention to myself, as Reid's eyes have joined Emily's on my chest. I flip Spencer off with one hand and tug on Emily's hair with the other.

"I hate you", I say pointedly.

"What did you talk about last night?", she says after she gets her fill of my tits.

"He... told me that I need to be put in my place and he got me to beg him to fuck me", I whisper.

"But he didn't fuck you?" I shake my head.

"No. He said that he'd only fuck me if I submit to him, which I am not about to do. I don't need to feed his ego."

"I can't believe you would turn that down. He's not my type, but I can't deny that he would be good in bed", she says, gesturing to the man across from us.

"Yeah", I sigh, "Too bad he's so much of a fucking tease."

"Tease him back", Emily says. "When we get back to the office, corner him in the files room or something. Make him feel like he made you feel."

I smirk up at her and nod my head.

Two can play at this game, Reid.

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