Chapter 18

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I am standing at the break room counter, preparing my lunch, when I hear the long strides that could only belong to Spencer Reid. At first, he does not acknowledge my presence, nor do I acknowledge his. It is not until I feel him behind me, that I turn my head.

He steps closer to me, not enough to make contact but close enough that I could feel his body heat radiating off of him. He puts one hand on the counter to my left and reaches up to the cabinet above my head with the right.

He takes down the half-eaten jar of natural peanut butter and places it next to me. I usually don't use the natural kind, as it is more expensive than the one packed with preservatives, but JJ is insistent that it tastes better.

"You look good today", he mumbles in my ear.

"Thank you", I reply politely, still not engaging with him.

"Good enough that I'd take you right here, even with the door unlocked."

I can't deny the tingle of excitement that shoots down my spine, but I keep facing forward. His hand moves from the counter to my hip and I can feel his fingers curl into the fabric of my pants.

"What, nothing to say? No witty remarks or snarky comebacks? I'm honestly a little disappointed; I've missed our usual repertoire."

"Just not in the mood today", I say simply, hoping it would be enough to make him leave.

"But you're always in the mood", he says, the smirk evident in his voice.

I turn around as much as I can and look him in the eye. I give him an unimpressed face, but I try to keep any signs of annoyance or frustration off my features.

"Please get out of my way, Spencer."

"Ask me nicely", he grins.

This fucking asshole.

Somehow I refrain from yelling in his face, instead choosing to slip past him on the left and take my lunch container out with me. I resist the urge to look over my shoulder at his undoubtedly surprised expression.

I feel satisfied knowing that even if that is our only interaction that I win, at least he knows what it feels like to lose. 

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