Chapter 7

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The hotel wasn't bad, per se, but it certainly isn't what I'm used to. I stash my jewelry in the safe in the closet, not trusting the deadbolt on the door to keep potential thieves out. I take a shower after thoroughly checking the shower for any kind of fungus. I bathe quickly, thankful to rid myself of the precinct smell.

I dry myself off with the scratchy towels and slip into my lavender silk nightie. I remove the pillowcases on the pillow and replace it with my own satin ones to protect my hair from the harsh, cheap fabric.

Just as I was about to crawl into bed, I received a knock at the door. I grab my gun from the drawer of the nightstand and walk up to the door. I stand on my toes to look through the peephole in the door, expecting to find some serial killer on the other side. Unfortunately, it was Spencer. I put my gun down on the table and open the door slightly.

"Reid?", I ask.

"From the looks of it, I'd say you were expecting someone else", he says as he looks me up and down.

"You really think I would hook up with someone on a case?", I ask bitterly.

"Honestly, yes", he smirks. I roll my eyes in response. "Can I come in?"

Not expecting him to take no for an answer, I step aside and allow him to enter. He sits on the edge of my bed and leans back like he owns the place. He pats the spot next to him and I sit as far away as I can without falling off the bed.

"I had a little chat with Rossi today", he starts.

"Did you?", I reply, playing dumb.

"Mhm, I did. Do you want to know what he told me?" I stay still, refusing to let him inside my head. "He said I should cut you some slack because you're new. He said that you're just a kid and I should go easy on you. I find that a little odd, because earlier today you begged Hotch to let you go in the field, when you barely wanted to do any work when you were with me."

I curl in on myself, suddenly very aware of the thin scrap of fabric covering my still-damp skin.

"I think the last thing you need is someone to go easy on you. You've had it easy your whole life, and it's time you grow up. Tomorrow, I'm going to tell Hotch I think you're ready to come into the field with us, and you'll see what the real world is like."

I try to make myself look as small as possible and I give him my best pout. Head tilted down, eyes up, bottom lip puffed out and quivering.

"Cute, but that doesn't work on me." He stands up and walks over to the door. He wraps his large hand around the brass knob and as he pulls the door open, he pauses. "My room is on the other side of this wall, so when you're getting yourself off to the thought of me, try not to be too loud. I can be unpleasant when I don't get enough sleep", he winks before leaving.

I flop back on my bed and groan.

"Fuck me!", I yell.

Spencer Reid is going to be the death of me.

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