Chapter 13

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Everyone in the office had gone home, now it is just Spencer and me. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head as I filled out the paperwork for the case. I kind of felt bad that he got in trouble with Dave for the second time, but he makes my life hell. I never understood why I was the only one who ever saw Reid's anger, but if the others did, I don't think they'd love him so much.

I sign my name on the last document and just as I put my pen in the FBI mug on my desk, my chair is spun around and I am eye-level with Spencer Reid's crotch.

"Stand up", he orders.

Without thinking, I rise to my feet and look up at him. The bags underneath his eyes are more pronounced than they were earlier, but there is something else behind his eyes that catches my attention. Pure fucking hatred.

"I'm going to talk, and you're going to listen. You won't say a fucking word unless I give you permission. If you really don't want this, tell me now, because once I get started, I'm not sure I'll be able to stop, understood?"

I nod slowly as I look up at him. His chest is rising and falling quickly, so I know he is as excited as I am nervous.

"Get on the desk", he says.

I follow his instructions, not wanting to push him any further than I already have. He wheels my chair to the side and kneels in front of me. He unlaces my right boot and removes it before doing the same to my left. He then moves to my pants.

His fingers work at the buckle to my belt and my fly. He asks me to lift my hips so he can take them off, but I was too slow for his liking. He pulled me against his chest with one arm and lifted me up enough to get my pants below my ass. He kneels back down and rolls the clothing off my feet.

Now I am sitting on my desk in only a pair of mismatched socks, underwear, and my shirt. Spencer steps back and admires his work.

"Not so high and mighty now, are you, princess?", he says, licking his lips.

I resist the urge to curl in on myself, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my humiliation.

"Nothing to say?" He stalks forward and grips my jaw in his large hand so I will look him in the eye. "Oh right, you don't have my permission to speak", he grins.

He brushes his thumb over my lips and presses it to the seam. I part my lips slightly and he pushes into my mouth, expecting me to suck on it. Instead, I bite the tip with my front teeth and he hisses in pain as he pulls it from my mouth.

"Alright, slut, here's what we're gonna do. I'll give you one minute to say anything you'd like. Call me names, tell me how much you hate me and that you wish I will die a slow, painful death. After that, you'll be my good girl and you'll take what I give you with a smile, however fake it might be. Do we have a deal?"

Spencer holds out his hand for me to shake, which I tentatively accept. When I let go of his hand, he turns his left wrist over to watch the time.

"You are such a fucking prick. You walk around here thinking you're better than everyone else just because you're a fucking genius. Guess what, Reid? You're not. We have the same job title, we get paid the same, and we have the same responsibilities. You think I'm spoiled, and sure, I'll give you that, but it doesn't mean I'm any less capable of doing this job. Don't get me started on these lessons you're trying to teach me. You're not my superior and you have no right to treat me like this. If you want to fuck, fine, but don't make your insecurities my problem. Another thing-" I am cut off by Reid announcing that time is up.

"Got it all out of your system?", he asks. When I shake my head, he responds with a cocky grin. "Too bad."

He sinks back down to his knees and now he is eye level with my clothed pussy. The only thing that keeps my shamefully wet center hidden from his view is my high cut gray panties. He places his hands on the tops of my thighs and gently kneads my muscles.

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