Chapter 8

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The next morning, the team meets in the lobby of the hotel for breakfast before returning to the precinct. Somehow, I managed to avoid Spencer while I was around the team, but once the team dispersed, Spencer made his advance.

I was sitting in the kitchen of the police station, scrolling through my phone when I heard Spencer's long steps echoing through the room.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty", Spencer says. I roll my eyes at his princess joke but to not pay him any other attention. "Are you ready for your first day in the field?"

"Yep", I say shortly. "I can't wait."

Spencer sits beside me, his eyes scanning over my face to look for any signs of hesitation.

"It'd be a shame if Hotch realizes how under-qualified you are for this job. I'm already thinking of the theme for your going away party", he smirks.

"Is this really why you came in here? To torment me?"

"That's not the only reason. I also wanted to ask if the bulletproof vest will fit now that you got a boob job", he says, eyes fixed to my chest.

"They're real, jackass", I say.

"You'll have to show me sometime, then", He says with a wicked grin. He gets up and leaves the kitchen, not without looking me over one last time before disappearing through the door.

Yeah, I'll show him.

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