Chapter 6

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As if they could hear my prayers, Hotch and the rest of the team entered the precinct. Spencer and I left our silent cave to greet them by the front desk.

Spencer brings Hotch, Prentiss, JJ and Morgan into the back room while I stay in the bullpen with Dave.

If Spencer is going to treat me like a child, I might as well give him a reason to.

"Is everything okay, Y/n", Dave asks me, concerned.

"Actually, no", I pout slightly. "Reid is being really rude to me, and I can't figure out why. Earlier, we got dinner and had a good time, but then Hotch called and he started being mean."

Dave frowned and put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Go in with the rest of the team and I'll have a little chat with him, okay?" I give him a hug before disappearing into the stuffy room.

I hear Reid's name being called and I smirk to myself. Maybe I shouldn't have taken advantage of my relationship with Dave but, to be fair, I didn't lie to him.

I stand on the other side of the table from the group and explain our findings to them. They all nod along, but I can tell they aren't one-hundred percent on the conclusion.

"So, there's one unsub and he lives in that house?", Morgan asks.

"That's what we're thinking", I reply

"The odd part is that a family lives in that house. Two mothers, a son and a daughter. Garcia said they are heavily involved in the community, the kids play sports, the moms are both members of the PTA", Hotch adds.

"None of the victims have any similar characteristics besides their age, which ranges from three to ten years old. It's unlikely that they're trying to replace a lost child." Everyone agrees with Prentiss' idea, and we start discussing possible motives.

I am pulled away from the discussion when I see Dave and Reid walk in. Dave immediately jumped into the conversation, but Spencer stood against the wall and glared holes into the back of my head.

"I think we're ready to give the profile", Hotch says. "We'll meet here first thing tomorrow. For now, we should all catch some rest."

We all file out of the building and climb into the SUV, and I make sure that I sit as far away from Spencer as possible. 

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