Chapter 1

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I'm not sure if I would describe myself as lucky. Privileged? Sure. Spoiled? Most definitely. Princess? Absolutely. But I wouldn't call myself lucky. Spencer Reid, on the other hand, would.

"If you could do your paperwork as fast as you texted, I'm sure you'd have plenty of time to go get shitfaced with your friends", Spencer exclaimed from his desk next to mine.

"Why the fuck do you care so much, Reid? It's not like it affects you", I spit back.

He scoffs. "It affects me when you bitch about having to stay late constantly. Just do your fucking work and shut up about it!"

"Don't tell me to shut up!", I yell.

"Don't give me a reason to."

I stand up from my chair and walk over to him. My black Louboutin heels add about four inches to my height, allowing me to meet his eyeline. I cross my arms over my chest and cock my head at him.

"What is your problem today?", I ask.

"You. Just like every other day."

"I didn't do anything to you. I never do!"

"Please. Want to do a little experiment? Record yourself talking for a day, and I want you to listen to it back. Then try to tell me you don't want to blow your brains out after listening to that."

"So that's it? I annoy you? Grow up, Reid", I say.

Instead of backing down, he keeps staring at me. I hold his gaze and try not to waver. We are both pulled from our childish staring contest by Hotch's voice.

"We have a new case", Hotch says. Hang my head and whine.

"But Hotch, it's Thursday, which is practically Friday, and no one likes to work on Fridays"

Spencer glares at me, but I ignore him.

"Round table, now", Hotch says firmly. I give him my best pout, but follow him into the room anyways.

I hear Spencer's footsteps behind me, but I quickly shut the door before he can reach it. It's not the most effective prank, but it's petty enough to annoy him.

The debriefing doesn't take long, and within ten minutes, I am back at my desk, packing my go-bag.

"This is our third missing child this month. When are these parents going to learn how to watch their kids?", I say, mostly to myself.

"It must be exhausting to complain that much. I have no idea how you can do it constantly", Spencer gripes.

I place my Prada backpack on my desk and check it once more, making sure I have all my belongings.

"It's a talent, Reid. Hopefully you'll have one some day", I say with a smirk. Spencer balls his hands into fists and takes a deep breath, as if he's holding himself back.

"Never in my life have I hated someone the way I hate you."

"Awh", I coo sarcastically. "So you're saying I'm your first?"

"You're hardly my first."

"I find that hard to believe."

Spencer picks up his bag and walks towards the elevator. As the doors close, I blow him a kiss. He flips me off in return.

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