Chapter 15

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Spencer stands against the wall behind me as I try to shoot at the targets. Each time I pull the trigger the bullet misses the silhouette by about five inches. I whine defeatedly as I place my gun down on the counter.

"I'm gonna fail."

Spencer steps closer behind me and picks up my gun. He instructs me to step back against the wall while, and not wanting to get in the way, I listen. Each shot he takes hits the target in relatively the same spot on the torso.

I know he wants me to pay attention to the steps he took, but I can't seem to rip my eyes away from his fingers wrapped around my gun. He makes it look small in his hand, and I can't help but wonder what it would look like wrapped around my neck.

"Y/n?", he says, bringing me back to reality.


"You're not paying attention, are you?"

"Yes I am!", I say defensively.

"Then what are the three steps I just showed you?"

"Um...", I look down at my hands, hoping I could somehow come up with the right answer. "Point, shoot, and... follow through?"

Spencer clicks the safety on the gun and places it on the counter before turning to me, arms crossed. He tilts his head back so he is looking at me down the bridge of his nose; everything about his body language screams condescending.

"You're fucking pathetic", he says.

"Excuse me? Didn't you fail this test, too?", I say.

"Yes, but when I failed, it was because I was a weak little kid, not because I wanted to sleep with my instructor."


"No, it's my turn. Watch closely."

He picks up the gun again and turns off the safety. He stands with his feet shoulder-width apart and his head straight.

"The first step is front sight, then trigger press and follow-through", he tells me before the gun fires. The bullet hits the target dead-center and I am slightly impressed.

"Do you think you can do that?" I nod my head and he carefully hands me the weapon.

He positions my hips correctly, but he does not let his hands linger. Instead, they come to the sides of my head and move it straight.

"Front sight", he says before backing away. "Trigger press and follow through."

The gun fires and it hits the target, but not in the intended spot.

"You shot the unsub in the leg, which did stop them from chasing you, but they are still able to shoot you. You'll be lucky if you get away without also being harmed", he says. I roll my eyes at him but my back is to him.

"Profilers aren't required to carry, Y/n. It's okay if this is too hard for you", he says, but he seems sincere.

"I have to have a gun, Reid. I want to do fieldwork and I can't do that without a gun."

Spencer is quiet for a moment and I can see the gears turning in his head. He takes off his ear protection and his glasses and returns them to the bin where he got them before doing the same to mine. Then, he unloads the gun and puts it back on the gun rack

"What are you doing?", I ask him.

"I think I know a better way to get this through your dumb little head", he says.

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