Chapter 3

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We land in a small airport in Aurora, Colorado, not far from the family's home. We all pack into an SUV that was waiting for us and Hotch drives us to the police station.

The parking lot is across the street from the building, so we have to walk down the sidewalk and across the road to get there. Just to push Spencer's buttons, I complain about my feet hurting.

"Why do you insist on wearing those ridiculous heels?", he asks.

"Because they make me look hot", I retort.

"They're plain black heels. What's so special about them?"

"They're designers. Look at the bottoms", I pick up my foot to show him.

"I could do the same thing with a bottle of paint and probably save five hundred dollars." I roll my eyes.

"You don't get it, Reid."

"Obviously not."

We only walk a little further until my feet actually start hurting.

"Spencer", I sing. He sighs deeply.


"Can you carry me?", I bat my eyelashes.

"Carry you? What the hell would I carry you?"

"Fine, I guess you just have to put up with me complaining about my feet until we get there", I smirk. He rolls his eyes but stops anyways. He puts one arm on my lower back and the other under my knees. I wrap my arm around his neck and laugh at his annoyed face.

He carries me down the sidewalk and I ignore the looks we get from our teammates. Dave gives me a look, and I'm not sure if he is proud of me or embarrassed by me. Spencer sets me down outside of the precinct.

"I hope you weren't expecting me to carry you through the threshold", he says.

"Not until after the wedding, Reid", I tease.

We all file into the building, and after meeting with the police chief, we are assigned our stations.

"Prentiss and Morgan will talk to the victim's family, Rossi and I will go to the scene of the kidnapping, and Y/l/n and Reid will work on the geographical profile. Any questions?"

"Actually, yes", I speak up. "Can I switch with someone? I'd be happy to talk to the family if Emily or Morgan wanted to stay back." I give them pleading looks, but am met with silence.

"Y/n, I think your skills are of best use here", Hotch says. I try pouting, but it never works on Hotch.

The team disperses, and once again, I am alone with Spencer.

I flop down in an empty desk chair and groan dramatically, rolling across the floor.

"Please tell me this isn't how you're going to be for the whole case", Spencer says from the map.

"Why won't he let me go into the field?", I groan.

"Maybe it's because he doesn't trust you, or because you're not actually qualified for this job", he mumbles.

"What? I am so qualified!"

Maybe getting defensive isn't the best strategy.

"The only reason you're even here right now is because Rossi is your stepdad. Without him, you'd be riding a desk back at Quantico."

I wheel over to him and sit on the edge of the table.

"You're so dramatic, Spencer. I may be on this team because Dave recommended me, but even if he didn't, I would still end up here. I have an education, and I have experience." Spencer looks up from his map at me.

"Without Daddy's money, the FBI would still just be a dream for you", he spits.

"Yeah? And how did you get here, Reid?"

"I'm a genius. I can do whatever I want, it's not like it'll be hard for me", he says smugly.

"That's it, though, isn't it? You can do whatever you want, but you're here, working the same job as I am. Sure, you're a genius, but without your Eidetic memory, how far would you get?"

Spencer stands up and steps into my space for the second time today.

"You are just a spoiled little princess who doesn't know her place at the table", he whispers darkly.

"You act all high and mighty, when in reality we're the same. We have the same job title, we carry the same gun, we have the same badge in our wallets. The only difference between you and I is my head isn't too big for my shoulders."

"You got lucky, Y/n. Your mom married rich and your stepdad is a generous man. Everything you have is because of someone else, so you don't get to tell me we're the same. You got lucky, and someday that luck will run out."

"I've been riding this luck since high school, and I don't foresee it running out anytime soon. Maybe if I get really lucky, I'll be your boss someday", I smirk.

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