Chapter 2

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We board the jet, and I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I could either sit next to Spencer and have to deal with his annoying fidgeting the entire ride, or I could sit across from him and watch him blow through books like they're blank. I end up choosing the latter, and take my seat on the opposite side of the jet.

I usually like to spend my travel time sleeping, but for some reason, I am wide awake. I didn't bring any forms over entertainment with me, and my phone doesn't have reception, so I resort to daydreaming.

Chris Hemsworth was just about to confess his love to me when I heard it.

Crack. Crack.

I look up and scan the cabin, looking for the source of the noise. I'm not surprised to find the obnoxious sound coming from the doctor across the aisle. I narrow my eyes at him and he looks confused for a moment before he realizes.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

He goes down each knuckle on each hand. He locks eyes with me as he turns his head to the left, then the right, loud pops filling the air.

"I'll kill you", I mouth as I drag my finger across my neck. He grins wickedly.

"I'd like to see you try", he mouths back.

I try to go back to my daydream, but I blew my chances with Thor. Now, I am left staring off inside the cabin of the jet. As much as I try to avoid him, my eyes keep catching Spencer's.

He stands and slowly walks over to me. I try to move my bag into the seat next to me, but I am too slow.

"Is there something you want?", he whispers.

"As if I'd ever want anything from you", I roll my eyes.

"Well, you keep fucking staring at me, so I'm sorry for assuming."

He opens his book again and continues reading. He gets through six pages before he notices my stare.

"What?", he hisses.

"You're going to stay here?"

"Yeah...?", he says, confused.

"Your bag is over there", I gesture to his seat.

"So? I'm already sitting here."

"I don't want you to sit there." I know I am being childish, but he deserves it.

"That sounds like a you problem"

I roll my eyes but decide not to respond. Instead, I look over Spencer's shoulder to read along with him. When he notices, he starts reading extra fast so I can't keep up. I try to scan the words, but he turns the pages too quickly.

"Come on, Reid. Slow down."

"Why should I slow down for you? If the roles were reversed, I'm sure you'd be doing the same", he says.

"Fuck you", I groan.

"I bet you'd love that", he says with a straight face, eyes never leaving his book.

"Take your pills now so you can get it up in time", I smirk.

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