Chapter 10

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I spend the rest of the day thinking about Spencer's offer.

What did he want to show me? Why me?

My thoughts race through my head all the way up to his hotel room door, only stopping as my knuckles rap against the hollow oak.

Spencer swings open the door, still dressed in his work clothes, minus the suit jacket. He steps aside and wordlessly lets me through the door.

I notice that he has made up the small table in the kitchenette for dinner.

A dinner for two.

I look at the plates, noticing a medium-well steak on one plate and my favorite meal on the other.

"What's going on, Reid?", I ask.

"Sit down", he orders instead of answering.

I do as he says and he places a glass of what I believe is whiskey in front of me.

"I don't drink that", I tell him.

"Would you prefer Kool-Aid?", he asks sharply.

I shut my mouth and look at the food in front of me, noticing how it is still steamy. While Spencer cuts his food, his knife scraping against the porcelain plate, sending a shiver up my spine.

He takes a bite of his steak and chews slowly while he watches me. I take a sip of whiskey and almost cough it back up, but I manage to get it down despite the burn.

"It seems like you'll be staying on the team", he finally says.

"Were you expecting them to fire me on the spot?"

"I was expecting them to see your faults, but just like always, you bat your eyelashes and you get your way", Spencer says, putting his utensils down roughly.

"What's your point, Reid?", I spit.

"My point is I'm not going to play your little game. You're a spoiled little brat and you need to know how it feels to be denied something for once."

Spencer's eyes have a darkness I have never seen before, and I certainly don't want to be on the receiving end of it. He stands up, sending the chair flying back. He grabs my hand from my lap and pulls me up so I am standing flush to his chest.

"Tell me you don't want this and we can go back to how we were", he says, looking down at me.

I am silent, the only noise I can hear is my heart racing in my chest. His grip tightens around my waist, which only increases my nerves. I am shocked and confused by his offer, but I don't want him to stop.

"Use your big girl words and tell me you want it", he says, his deep voice vibrating in my chest.

"I-I want it." My voice sounds weak compared to his authoritative tone.

"What do you want? Do you want me to fuck you, little princess?"

I tilt my head down but keep my eyes up, making sure I give him my best pout. I lean against his chest and inhale his subtle yet intoxicating cologne.

"Yes, sir, I want you to fuck me."

"Look at that", he says, brushing the hair out of my face. "We're just getting started and you already know your place."

Spencer threads a hand through my hair and tugs so he has access to my neck. He mouths over my sensitive skin, nipping it then soothing it with his tongue.

I bunch my hands in the sides of his shirt and moan his name quietly.

"Did you read fairytales when you were younger?", he asks. I make a noise of affirmation. "All of those stories about naïeve little girls who are too blindsided by their own greed that they can't see what's right in front of them. Little Red knew she wasn't supposed to talk to strangers, but Mr. Wolf was unlike anyone she's ever met. He was too enticing to pass up, and she paid the price."

He licks the shell of my ear, his spit cooling in a trial behind. His breath is hot as it fans over my face, and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. I didn't like the drink myself, but I couldn't help but wonder what I would taste like on his lips.

"You're Little Red, Y/n, and I'm the Wolf. You basically sharpened my teeth for me", he whispers before biting down on the skin over my pulse point.

I cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain and my nails scratch down his clothed back. He licks over the bite mark like a vampire who has just drained the last of my blood and is now waiting for my body to go cold.

"You know what my favorite part about those stories are?", he asks against my skin.

"What?", I pant.

"The little girls never live happily ever after, and the Big Bad Wolf gets a nice taste", he says as he pulls away, an evil grin on his face.

It takes me a minute for my brain to catch up with the reality of the situation.

Spencer Reid just seduced me, got me to admit I wanted him to fuck me and he bit my neck just to prove some kind of point.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Reid?", I ask loudly, just shy of yelling.

"If you're going to stay on this team, you need to learn your place. You belong under Hotch and Rossi, under Prentiss and Morgan, under JJ and Garcia, and you certainly belong under me."

My mouth drops open and I fight the urge to slap him across the face, opting for a solid hit to the chest.

"You fucking dick! This is why you wanted me here? This is what you wanted to show me?"

"I wanted to show you how much of a slut you are for anyone who had the slightest amount of power over you."

I try to ignore the feeling in my stomach as a reaction to the degrading nickname, but I am certain it shows on my face.

"Don't call me that", I say, my voice sounding small.

"Who are you going to tattle on me to? You'll have to tell them what we were doing, and I'm sure they'll find it hard to believe that you hate me when you practically rolled over for me."

Spencer steps closer again and he puts a finger to the side of my jaw and angles my face towards him. He is looking at me with gentleness compared to his last words.

"Tell me you'll submit to me, and I will give you everything you want. I'll buy you a ring and marry you tonight", he says, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Not a chance."

"Then I guess we'll go back to our usual game, but once you get tired of running, I'll be right there to take care of you, princess", he grins as he backs away from me.

I fix my appearance enough to walk into the hallway without raising suspicion, and before I reach the door, I look back at Spencer.

"Go to hell, Reid."

"I'll be waiting for you there", he says.

The last thing I see before I close the door is his stupid, cocky smile on his perfect face. 

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