Chapter 21

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I wake to the sound of pots and pans clanging in my kitchen on top of the sun beaming onto my face from my open curtain. I bury my face into my pillows and wait for the sound of Spencer's reckless cooking to subside, but to my dismay, it continues.

"Fuck off, Reid!", I scream loud enough for my voice to be heard, despite my mouth being covered. The noise immediately stops and is replaced with the sound of Spencer's bare feet walking across the hardwood floor.

"Good morning, princess", he says, the smile evident in his voice.

"Why'd you have to wake me up?", I whine, bringing my head up.

"I was trying to make you breakfast", he says.

Spencer walks from the doorway to the side of the bed opposite from me and lays down on top of the covers. He pulls the blanket off my face and smiles at me.

His skin is a warm golden in the morning light and for the first time, the dark circles under his eyes are not as prominent.

He looks happy.

"I don't even get a good morning kiss?", I pout.

Spencer raises his eyebrows at me but leans in anyways. He puts both hands on either side of my face as he presses his lips to mine. The kiss is uncharacteristically innocent and I feel my heart skip.

"You have morning breath", he says when he releases me.

"I hate you so much", I glare.

"You can't hate the guy who made you pancakes", he says.

"Pancakes?" My eyes light up.

"With your choice blueberries or chocolate chips", he grins.

I hop out of bed and run to the kitchen to get my food before it's cold and soggy. By the time I gather my breakfast and sit at the marble counter, Spencer finally walks out of my bedroom.

"What were you doing?", I ask around a mouthful of pancake.

"Just thinking", he says.

That's helpful.

"Thinking about what?"

"Relationships between team members aren't really allowed in the BAU", he says.


"We could get in a lot of trouble with Hotch if he found out about us, Y/n. We have to be careful."

I roll my eyes as I take a drink of orange juice to wash down my food.

"Don't worry about Hotch. He won't give us any trouble", I smirk.

"You're a master manipulator, aren't you?", he laughs.

"Yep. Besides, if anyone was going to give you a hard time, it'd be Dave", I say with a smile, but he knows I'm not kidding.

As much as Dave spoils me rotten, he really does love me and would not hesitate to kill Spencer if he hurt me. I also wouldn't be surprised if he got the rest of the team on board as well.

I stand up from my seat and walk around the counter to him. His hands immediately find my waist and I hook my arms around his neck. He looks down at me with a gentle smile on his face and he brushes my hair behind my ear.

"You know what I hate the most about you, Y/n?"

I shake my head.

"I hate that you're always so fucking lucky."

"I think you're the lucky one here, Spencer", I tease. 

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