Chapter 5

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We got our food delivered to our room and we ate while we finished up the last bit of the geographical profile.

"Did you know that hamburgers were invented in Hamburg, Germany in the year 1900?", he asks through a mouthful of fries.

"Weren't they in the middle of fighting World War Two, then? That doesn't like a productive use of time", I say.

Spencer's head practically whips around and he stares at me in disbelief.

"World War Two happened from 1939 to 1945, Y/n."

"Whatever", I roll my eyes. "The only reason I passed history in college was because I slept with my professor."

"That doesn't surprise me", he mumbles. I throw a paper straw wrapper at him.

"You're just pissy because none of your students have tried to seduce you", I retort. Spencer makes a disgusted face as he sips from his milkshake.

"I would have to be a crazy pervert to want that", he says.

"What? It's like the most common kink-"

"Actually, the most common kink is partner-sharing", he interrupts.

"Anyways, I don't understand how you don't think it's hot. You have power over them inside and outside of the bedroom. They're your dirty little secret for the semester, and then they don't take your class anymore so it doesn't matter; it's just a temporary touch", I say, only slightly getting lost in the fantasy.

"That's just not my thing", he shrugs.

"Whatever King Vanilla", I say under my breath.

"Now, I never said anything about being vanilla. There are lots of things I'm into that would make you blush down to your toes", he says, leaning closer to me.

"Really? What are you into, then?"

He gets up from his chair and stands in front of me, holding his hand just above my head.

"Sorry", he hisses between his teeth. "You must be at least this tall to ride."

I bat his hand away and scoff.

"Fuck off, Reid."

Just as he backs away, we recive a call from Hotch. Both of use scramble towards the phone, but I am the one who answers it.

"Hi, Hotch", I say, my voice sugar sweet as I put him on speaker.

"How's the geographical profile coming? Are you playing nice with Reid?", his words are teasing but his tone is serious.

"Yeah, thanks for making Daddy babysit me", I roll my eyes, elbowing Spencer in the ribs. He pushes my chair to the side, sending me rolling across the room.

"I noticed a sort of dead-spot on the map. Every reported kidnapping has taken place within a five-mile radius of this one house on... Crescent Hill. The house number is sixty-seven", Reid informs.

"Do you want us to call Garcia and update her?", I butt in.

"It's okay, I already have her on the other line. We'll be back soon", Hotch says before hanging up.

I wheel back over to the table, this time getting close enough to Spencer to look over his shoulder. I watch and he scribbles into his small notebook, forcing myself to ignore how intoxicating he smells.

He turns his head slightly so he can see me out of the corner of his eye.

"What are you doing?", he asks. I shrug.

"Don't know. I'm bored", I pout.

"You have plenty of work you could be doing", he says dismissively. I lean back in my chair and groan.

"We were having fun", I whine.

"We were, but now we have to get back to work."

"You're so uptight, Spencer. I'm going to as Mr. Clean to get us some drinks", I giggle as I stand up. Before I could take a step, Spencer's hand grabs my upper arm and pushes me back down.

"You're going to sit here and finish your work", he tells me. I scoff.

"You can't talk to me like that", I say as I cross my arms.

"Or what? Will you tell on me? Run to Daddy and tell him that big, bad Spencer pulled your hair and made you cry?", he says darkly.

"Spencer, what-", I start, but he cuts me off.

"No, I don't want to hear another word out of you until you finish your fucking work. We have a job to do."

He goes back to his notes and leaves me sitting dumbfounded in my chair. I pick up a few papers and start filling in the blanks, taking notes like Spencer is on the other side of the table.

What a fucking prick

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