XXXVII // Third Time's the Charm

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13 March, 1978


Sirius Black is quite possibly the most dreadful human being to have ever been born. 

How on earth am I supposed to learn all the content for my Potions NEWT with Sirius BLOODY Black annoying me every second of our Potions lesson.

If I had known he'd be such a pesky little brat I never would have agreed to go out with him. 

Actually, that's a lie. I knew he was a pesky little brat and yet I still agreed to go out with him!

What is the world coming to? 

"If you don't stop poking me, Black, you're going to ruin our potion," I said, peering nervously at our cauldron. 

"I'm not poking you," he replied cheerily, "I'm just trying to test your bone density." 

My eyebrows almost shot right off my face. "For what purpose would you be doing that?"

"Just seeing if your bones are strong and healthy, whether you're having enough calcium in your diet." 

I stared at him incredulously. 

"You know that's not how you measure bone density, right?" 

"Oh I know, I just like seeing your facial expression when I say weird things." 

"Stir the bloody potion before I curse your toes off."

"Yes ma'am." 

He hurriedly turned back to the potion and I breathed a sigh of relief. 

Why did I think that this whole dating scenario would be any easier than being friends with him? Did I think that maybe he'd suddenly stop harassing me at any given point in time? Maybe. Has he? If anything, it's gotten worse. I can't do a single bloody thing without him just being there. 

Not, of course, that it's entirely unreciprocated. 

I supposed we've been dating for a day and a bit now, and boy does time fly when McGonagall's Transfiguration essays mean you're holed up in the library in every spare moment and can't even talk to him. At least he respects the homework grind and doesn't interrupt me. He just sits there, existing. It's almost worse. 

I don't mind too much as it is very new, but I feel a bit nervous about it to be honest. 

This relationship isn't like any I've had before. I mean, do I really count my boyfriend from when I was 12? And Amos Diggory was definitely an important relationship, and it had a painful ending, but it was a bit of a whirlwind, and I was probably too young to really understand what I was doing. 

Remus was... 


Looking back on it (all of a couple of months ago), it's hard to reconcile everything that happened. I've been reading back on some of my entries, and I think I knew even when it was happening that it wasn't going to work with Remus, but I just wanted it to work so badly I pushed those thoughts down so far that we fell down the hole together so I could find them again. 

I love Remus, so very dearly, but I'm glad that he's only my friend. 

Black, on the other hand, is a whole other situation. He just seemed to come out of nowhere, taking me by complete surprise, and I'm still working it out. 

I can't believe I'm dating him. 

I am dating Sirius Black.

Oh, Merlin. 

BlackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora