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September 8, 1977

Gryffindor Dorm

It's six-thirty am, and Lily and Lottie are both still asleep, you know, like normal people. I need to go eat breakfast but I'm worried Black will be sitting with Dorcas and I don't really know if I'm ready for that kind of confrontation. 

Food or confrontation? Which is more important?

My stomach is grumbling.

Food or confron- 



Let's go.


September 8, 1977

Gryffindor Dorm

This morning, oddly enough, passed without much incident. Well, a little incident.

I got to breakfast and naturally, Black was there, sitting across from Dorcas, so I went and sat to her left, attempting to avoid eye contact. Mark Abery smiled at me on the way there. Bless his handsome little soul.

I was expecting Black to be all awkward and grumpy after our awkwardly escalating conversation last night, but he acted as if it had never happened.

"Oh, hey, Evelyn," he said as I sat down. "Dorcas and I were just discussing the most effective way of shrinking one of Pomfrey's hospital beds so we could blow it up five times the size for when the Slytherins are practicing on the Quidditch field."

"It would be good," added Dorcas, "if you could make us some shrinking solution, as I'm rubbish at potions, and apparently Sirius here's gone and broke his cauldron."

I'd almost forgotten Black had a first name. 

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'm not giving either of you any shrinking solution, as putting a massive bed on the Quidditch field is juvenile and pointless, so-"

"An excellent point, Evelyn," interrupted Black, quite rudely I might add, "the Slytherins can just use it as a safety precaution for when they fall off of their brooms."

"Well that's beside the point, I wasn't even trying to help you, and I wouldn't let you do anything to Pomfrey anyway, she's too good for your silly pranks."

"Hey, Sirius," Dorcas said with a strained smile, "I think the Slytherins need something sharper than a bed, and I know just the thing!"

"Merlin's bloody bikini, Dorcas, I reckon-"

"Eva's tone of voice might do the trick, eh, Sirius?"

Excuse me? EXCUSE ME?

"Or quite possibly the arches of her eyebrows, don't you think, Dorc, I mean they're getting pretty high and sharp."

"What about her voice? The higher it gets the sharper it is on the ears!"

"Well, that's brilliant! I'll let James know and we can try and work out how to bottle Bishop's voice, and-"

"Oh give it a bloody rest!" 

The twenty-odd people in the great hall went silent. Oops?

"Don't get your hippogriff in a twist there, Evelyn," Black grinned. 

"Yeah, Eva, it's too early in the morning for any hippogriff twisting," said Dorcas.

I thought it would be best to leave immediately. 

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