XXIII // Stunning the Masses with My Striking Super Sleuthing Skills

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December 8, 1977


There has been a boy staring at me for at least half an hour now.

I have been trying my very best to get my Potions work done but I cannot because there has been a boy staring at me for the entirety of today.

All during breakfast he was staring at me.

The whole walk to Potions he was staring at me.

And now, during Potions, he has been staring at me.

Who has been staring at me, I hear you ask?

That is correct.

You have guessed it!

Hollard Eustace Buggery.

Not only do I have to put up with his annoying prat of a girlfriend, Isadora James, but I have to live with the knowledge that he has been staring at me for a while now.

I'm gonna stare right back at him so he knows I know he's staring at me.

I stare at him but he quickly averts eye contact.

I turn back around and can immediately feel his eyes boring a hole into the back of my head.

Again, I turn around, and again, he averts his gaze, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

Black, my ever-helpful desk mate, nudges me and whispers, "What are you staring at, Evelyn?"

"Hol Buggery," I respond, turning back to face the front of the classroom.

"Evelyn!" says Black, looking affronted. "I thought that I was the only man in your life!"

"Right. Because I'm the only woman in your life..."

"Well if you wanted to you could be," Black quickly responds, his face turning serious.

I can feel Hol staring at me again so I turn around sharply and catch him in the very act. He continues staring at me for a second as if he hasn't quite realised I can see him looking at me, but then averts his gaze.

"Evelyn?" says Black, nudging me again.

"What, sorry?" I say, slightly distracted. I can't focus on whatever he's saying when Hol Buggery will not stop staring at me.

"Oh, never mind."


I reckon I'll have to corner Hol after class. Find out what he wants and all.

"Mr Buggery, is there something you're finding more interesting than my teaching?" asks Slughorn.

"Apparently," mutters Black.

"Mr Buggery?"

"Um, fluxweed?" says Hol, looking at Slughorn with concern.

"Two points from Ravenclaw, Mr Buggery. I would advise you pay attention if you do not want to lose any more points for your house today."

Hol Buggery nods at Slughorn and then slowly turns his gaze back to me.

This is going to be a long lesson...


December 8, 1977

Great Hall

It's tea time, thank goodness. The good thing about tea time is that everyone is there, so the Great Hall is full and jolly and brings a good sense of community. The bad part about it is the aforementioned fact that everyone is there, and that means that I cannot enjoy some much-wanted peace and quiet.

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