XVIII // Unnecessary Almost-Nudity

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November 2, 1977

Gryffindor Girls' Dormitory

Honestly, how could I forget? 

You'd think I would remember after the years of pestering, and now that I think about it I'm not really sure why I'm annoyed I'd forgotten.

Tomorrow is Black's birthday and I bloody forgot about it. 

In my defence, he normally has a habit of bugging me about it for a couple of weeks beforehand and as I'm sure I've mentioned, he hasn't really been talking to me lately.

Lily went off to see Potter earlier today for some illicit rendezvous or whatever you'd like to refer to it as, and she came back slightly stressed because apparently Potter's planning a massive party tomorrow night.

"The thing is," she said, "I want to go to support him because I think that's something I'm supposed to do now as his... well... anyway, but we have so much homework. What was that Charms assignment again? Doesn't matter. I'm too stressed to think about it."

Not really sure why she's so stressed, the assignment wasn't really that difficult, and I finished it three days ago.

She ended up deciding to spend the day in the library with Lottie who has a History of Magic assignment to do. I finished my Ancient Runes essay before dinner and thankfully my next assignment isn't due for another five days so I've decided to give myself a bit of a rest. 

And by rest I mean stressing over this whole birthday situation.

To reiterate, I don't actually care that it's his birthday, but I do care that I am socially obligated to get him a gift, and aside from a new brain, an 'I Love Terrorising People' tee shirt or a gallon of firewhiskey, I'm drawing a blank. 

Ooh, Marley and Alice have just come up, I'll ask them.

"Alice, Marley, I need your assistance." 

"You do?" Marley raises an eyebrow. "With what?"

"I don't know what to get Black for his birthday."

Marley rolls her eyes. "Just give him a snog, he'll appreciate it more than anything else you could get him."

Alice laughs, grabbing her scarf and heading out the door again. Marley winks at me and follows behind her. 

Well that was unhelpful. 

If he would just talk to me I feel like I would be better at solving this problem. Do you know how much I hate small talk? Ooh, maybe this is his new way of annoying me - frustrating me to death with small talk! Well it's working, dammit. 

I'm going to go for a walk to clear my head.


November 2, 1977

The Black Lake

I would just like to clarify, that despite what anyone else may suggest, that even though I was following him around the castle, it was only because I thought that it might inspire me and help me come up with a good birthday gift for him. It's not like I set out to do it or anything, it just sort of... happened.

I was walking down toward the kitchens when I spotted Black out of the corner of my eye, ducking behind a tapestry in front of me. Naturally I was suspicious so I followed him for a good few minutes, even when he made sudden changes in direction that threw me off balance a bit.

After about five minutes of this he slowly came to a stop. I ducked behind a statue. 

"Is there a specific reason that you've been following me around,  Evelyn?" he asked.

BlackNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ