XIV // The Weekend of Doom

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September 26, 1977

Gryffindor Girls Dormitory

So there are two things of importance to write down.

The first: who is this impostor and what has he done with Sirius Black?

After the... events... of last Sunday, actually, let me just interrupt the point of this sentence - what on earth happened last Sunday? I have read and reread my last diary entry numerous times and yet I still fail to understand so many things.

A Completed List of the Things Evelyn K. O. Bishop Does Not Understand After the Events of Last Sunday

1. Everything

2. What on earth was Black talking about toward the end of that meeting? I mean I, obviously, was in such a shock that the whole thing was even occurring, and that Black, my nemesis(?), now suddenly knew one of my deepest secrets, that I was finding it difficult to concentrate on the bigger picture, whatever it was supposed to be.

3. Why I haven't exactly told Lily or Lottie the details of what happened. I mean, sure, I told them that we argued and that he didn't know about the note beforehand, but that's it.

4. He called me oblivious? I'm not oblivious... Am I? No. That's just dumb.

5. Why he just seems... so... I don't know. I just... you know what, never mind. 

6. Possibly the most important thing, well, actually no, it's not really important whatsoever, but why Black has been decidedly distant since Sunday. And why I sort of seem to care. 

Which brings me back to the original point. He's only talked to me when necessary, such as in Potions when we have to talk, and even then it's only 'pass the powdered bicorn horn' or 'slice the gillyweed'. He's calling me Bishop, actually. Normally it's Evelyn. Maybe I should call him something different. 


Nevermind, that's disgusting.

The point is, I don't really like this new and supposedly improved Black. It's weird because this is what I've wanted for so long, for him to not talk to me. This is all I've ever hoped for to happen and I cannot for the life of me work out what is going on in my head right now. 

Bloody Black, making me annoyed even when he's not doing anything.

The only real thing of note with this (aside from my muddled brain) is that there has been a significant increase of 'incidents' since what I've dubbed 'the conversation'. First it was the Slytherins having to evacuate their common room due to what seemed like a mass plague of horned toads, and then it was some of the third years complaining that all of their underwear had gone mysteriously missing, only to miraculously reappear two days later tied in a line on the top of the astronomy tower. Just little things like this. Obviously I knew it was Black. I guess I had thought that he had moved past this childishness and had at least a small level of maturity, but I guess he proved me wrong. His loss. Anyway.

The second point I would like to bring to attention is that as it is Saturday, it is therefore Hogsmeade Weekend. I'm currently in my room, having had a silent breakfast (Black was absent and I wasn't really in the mood to talk to DTB) and mentally preparing myself. I can't just not go to Hogsmeade because where else am I supposed to get Fizzing Whizzbees? It's not like mum can just pop into the grocer in London and ask for them, so I have to make the most of these opportunities.

I'm not sure where Remus is planning on taking DTB, so I'll have to tread carefully. I'm heading in with Lottie and Marley - Lottie has informed me that Lily said she 'can't come because she's too busy doing Head Girl things' but she looks far too happy today, so I think something is going on that neither of them is telling me. 

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