XXXVIII // A Time For...?

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16 March, 1978

The Library

After reviewing the events of last night, I have come to the conclusion that catching feelings for Sirius Black might not have been the worst decision I've ever made.

Oh, for Merlin's sake, he just said, "You'd be right on that account."

"Did you learn nothing the last time you read my diary?" I frowned at the boy sitting next to me. He at least had the decency to look sheepish.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were doing your Charms assignment and I wanted to see if you'd written anything I could copy."

"You're incorrigible, Black."

He shuffled his parchment around the table we'd found earlier this morning, and finally located his quill underneath the pile of mad scribbles he called his Charms essay.

His mouth eased into a sly grin. "You do know I have a name, right?"

"That's not an unusual thing for a person to have, Black."

"I mean a first name, Evelyn. You know, one of the two good things I received from my parents."

I knew I'd regret asking, but I did it anyway. "What's the other thing?"

"Nothing more, and nothing less than a well-endowed-"

"You're not about to say what I think you're about to say, are you?" interrupted Lily with more than impeccable timing.

Lily, James, Remus, and Lottie had found our spot in the Library, and I hoped that meant I would finally get some homework done.

Black just winked at me, and I saw by the look on his face that it was highly likely my cheeks had gone bright red. "We'll save this conversation for another time, Evie dear."

As my friends sat down, I asked where Peter was. It was unusual for him to be apart from the other boys.

"Haven't an inkling," James replied. "He was asleep when we went to breakfast, and then gone by the time we got back."

"Why don't you just check the map?"

"Pete's got it," said Remus.

"Why on earth does Peter have it?" asked Lily.

"Because we like to share it around equally, you know?" James replied. "Merlin, Lils, you're not even an only child. Didn't your parents ever teach you about sharing?"

"I'll be sharing my knowledge of hexes with you in a second, Potter."

"Before this gets out of hand," said Remus, "He's probably off at Hogsmeade or something. He mentioned wanting to pick something up from Honeydukes, so he's probably just doing that."

"Well he should be studying, NEWTs will be upon us before we know it. They're what, in June?" said Lily.

"You know what we should be talking about," James interrupted, "is my birthday, which is only eleven days away, and a lot closer than the upcoming NEWTs."

"Birthday, shmirthday," said Remus.

"Rude." James glared across the table at him.

"No, I just mean, surely you read the Prophet this morning? It's getting dark out there. More muggles are dying, and the Ministry is having a hard time of covering it all up."

"Way to kill the mood, Moony."

"He's not wrong," I agreed. "Remus, that is. You're not that cool, Potter. There's actual issues going on."

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