XVI // In Which I Need to Pay More Attention to Where I'm Going

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October 4, 1977

Gryffindor Girls Dormitory

Okay so when I woke up this morning I obviously thought I had dreamed everything that had happened last night; obviously Lily and Potter were not snogging, because Potter is a twat. Unfortunately, when Lily and Lottie joined my breakfast solitude, Lily asked if I was alright because of, "you know, everything that happened last night, with Po- James and I. I know you're funny about these sorts of things." 

I'm not sure if I blacked out, but I think I felt dizzy. I honestly did not expect this to happen ever, and so now that it had happened, it took a while for it to sink in. I of course, asked her how this had happened as it was completely unexpected, which caused Lottie to burst into laughter because apparently I'm "the most completely and utterly oblivious person on the face of the earth and if Flitwick had been transfigured into an elephant and started doing the polka in the middle of the Great Hall I would be too distracted by literally anything to notice."

This, of course, was ridiculous. It's Flitwick. I would notice. 

She then started listing all of the giveaways, such as how on the first day back Lily literally told us that she had met up with Potter in France, coincidentally of course, how last weekend Lily decided not to go to Hogsmeade because she was too busy doing Head Girl things ("and who passes up Hogsmeade for academic reasons, right?"), how she was repeatedly coming back to the dorm later than curfew; the list continues. 

I honestly felt baffled. I thought they hated each other? I voiced this concern.

"Well the thing is," Lily said, "is that people change over time. I mean, sure, there was a time when I absolutely despised him because he was an utter twat, and honestly he still is, but it's different now. He's different, emotionally mature. It's hard to explain. Besides, it's all still quite new. It's only been a month or two."

"A month? Or two?"

"That's what I just said, isn't it?"

"No, which is it?"

"Oh." Lily looked vaguely confused. "Well I guess it started over the summer, but then he was a git and we didn't really talk for the last week of August. Once we came back to Hogwarts, remember how I was mad at him on the train? He'd failed to mention that he'd gotten Head Boy, and that's not the sort of thing you just forget to mention. But he apologised, (Lottie gasped) and so then it was back on. So it's more up to personal opinion as to whether it's been a month or two."

"But you were so angry when you were paired with him for Potions?"

"Well if you hadn't guessed, we're not exactly trying to advertise it. It's nobody's business except ours, and besides, I was still annoyed at him."

At that point in the conversation, the boys deigned to join us at the table, Potter grinning as he sat down next to Lily, and Black acting normally, aside from not acknowledging my presence whatsoever. Not, of course, that that bugged me. But still. Remus poured a glass of pumpkin juice and inquired as to whether anyone was planning on saying something outrageous before he drank it, which prompted to Potter to say something inappropriate about Madame Pince as soon as he took a gulp. I patted his back as he choked. 


October 8, 1977


You'd think that I would have plenty of time to write in my diary during the week, but apparently not. However, the only real thing of interest that has occurred so far is Remus and I having to do a partner project for Muggle Studies. Black is still not really talking to me. Actually, it's not that he's not talking to me; he says "hello" and "how are you" but not much else.

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