XXIX // Life Reaches a Whole New Low

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January 17, 1978

The Library

You know what's interesting? Look at the date. Exactly! It's been an entire week since my last entry. The reason behinds this is of course because all of our Professors think that because we're back from holidays that we're prepared and excited to do MORE ASSIGNMENTS. This is, of course, partly true because I have an excuse to live in the Library, but at the same time... I have things to do, you know? Anyway, I have decided to compile a short(ish) list of all of the things of interest that have occurred this week in order to be more time-efficient (a phrase Murphy has been drumming into us over the past few days).

A Complete List of the Somewhat Intriguing Events of the Past Week Compiled by One Evelyn K. O. Bishop.

1. The Bloody Prat Quartet apparently thought it had been too long since their last shenanigan and set off dungbombs in every single Common Room including their own, much to the annoyance of Lily and I. James received a rather stern talking to (a rather stern yelling to, really) right in the middle of the Great Hall by both Lily and Marlene which was entertaining to watch, to say the least. Black was the only one with enough sense to get out of there when he saw them coming, smoke pouring out of their ears, and Remus just lifted his book higher over his face, so James got the brunt of it.

2. I took it upon myself to tell Black off during our Monday Potions class, which went down surprisingly well. That is, to say, it went less awfully than usual, as there were no threats of hexes and only two smirky glances.

3. I gave Mark Abery another tutoring session! I figured it had been a while and it would be nice to mix it up a bit, so we went through our charms together and I was rather pleased to see that his charm work was much improved. He also told me that he decided that the pairing of himself and Julie Ansen was not quite as wonderful as he imagined it would be, and they broke up. He apparently is working on a plan to ask out Louise McKendrick which I think has been a long time coming, and will hopefully stop her giving me death glares every time Mark talks to me.

4. On the Mark thing, he had the BLATANT AUDACITY to ask me the most ridiculous question I have ever heard in my whole entire life. Would anyone like to guess what it is? Because there is no way in Merlin's soggy, yellow dentures that a question such as that cross the mind of a sane, rational person. Mark dared to ask me if I, one Evelyn Bishop, have feelings for one Sirius Black, my bane-of-existence-turned-friend-and-confidant.

5. McGonagall, much to our surprise, did not give us detention for the rest of the year, but did indeed give us a long lecture about our actions, describing us as 'foolhardy hooligans', 'irrationally brave' and 'altogether idiotic Gryffindors,' which sounds like a collection of fun band names. If only I played guitar. 

6. Remus is being cute but kind of clingy. I want to be able to talk to him about things like we used to but I feel like I can't at the moment and it's really confusing.

7. Let's go back to the Mark Abery thing, because I have not been able to stop thinking about it all week! I cannot get over what a ridiculous idea it would be that I would ever have feelings for Black, the stupid, dumb, foolhardy, arrogant idiot, especially when I am already dating Remus, the love of my life. RIDICULOUS!

Well, I think that brings us up to speed.

On another note, it's Lily's birthday in about two weeks, which means that I have two weeks to plan her party. It seems the general party trend has been, as my mother would say, to go 'above and beyond,' but honestly, I doubt Lily gives a hippogriff's leg as to whether or not she has a large birthday bash, especially after everything that's just gone on.

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