X // Perfectly Puzzling Potions and Problems

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September 10, 1977

Great Hall

I'm really nervous for today, only really because I have Muggle Studies first thing and I feel kind of nervous about being with just Remus, especially considering the events of the party. But, well, he seemed perfectly fine yesterday, so I'm probably just overthinking things.

I also have potions, and that means amortentia with Black, something that I don't think I could ever be ready for.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to be.

Anyway, I'm eating breakfast with Dorcas; Black, again, is nowhere to be seen, which is weird. Not that I care, again, but... well... his presence is disturbing, and his lack of presence is somewhat more disturbing, as who knows where he could be! He could be torturing some innocent firsties for all I know!

Oh look! Lily and Lottie have come down for breakfast - I didn't realize it was that late in the morning. Oh, wait, Dorcas isn't here anymore. When did that happen?

"Morning Eva," says Lily, sitting down beside me, "you're here late."

"Yeah," Lottie agrees, piling her plate with eggs, "aren't you normally loitering around the library at this time of the morning?"

"Well I thought instead I would wait and eat breakfast with my bestest friends in the whole world!"

Lily raises an eyebrow. "Bestest friends, sure, but you've already eaten breakfast," She points at my waffle-less maple-syruppy plate.

"Oh well, I'm not complaining," Lottie interjects, "I feel like we've barely seen any of you, what with your detentions, and you spending half your time in the library, not to mention your stint in the hospital wing. And besides," Lottie says, looking at Lily with a grin, "You've missed all of the gossip!"

Lily goes almost as red as her hair.

There's gossip that she didn't tell me about? Merlin's barbaric right eyebrow, I'VE BEEN MISSING OUT! It's that pesky little Black runt. I'll hex him the next time I see him.



Lottie leans in really close, looking all conspiratorial, and whispers, "The other night, at the party, when you left early because of the whole Marley thing, I need to talk to you about that, by the way, like, what exactly-"

"Lottie," I interrupted, "continue with the story."

"Right," She glances at Lily again who has her arms crossed and is leaning blank-faced away from us. "So our dearest Lily, as you know, went off to dance with Potter..."


"...and she didn't injure him. Not once. She didn't even hex him, or punch him, or verbally abuse him. She just... danced with him... and then left. Just like that."

Lily scowls and stands up, one hand on her hip and the other moving her wand to form a particularly dangerous spell. One she hopefully doesn't say out loud, or we might all, you know, die. "I'd drunk too much firewhisky, that's all. Just... just stop talking about this, alright? It's not a big deal, and you keep distracting me by talking about it Lottie, I mean, I've already forgotten to put my perfume on so i'm going to smell terrible by lunchtime. And don't you have eggs to eat, Lottie? And you, Eva, things to worry about?"

She makes a compelling argument.

I've got that transfiguration essay after all. And Black is probably going to kill me at some stage. And Remus may be in love with Dorcas the Betrayer who I am still friends with because she might injure me. And there's that thing with Hol- wait. No. Eva. Stay on track.

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