V // We Should Invest in Some New Beds

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September 5, 1977

Hospital Wing

I woke up to find myself in a different bed with Madam Pomfrey standing over me.

"I thought I told you last year, Eva, any more trips to the hospital wing and we may need to confine you here permanently," Pomfrey smiled, fussing with some potions.

Ahh yes. Pomfrey and I are on excellent terms - mostly due to the fact that I inherited my mother's clumsy gene and have a habit of forgetting where the fake stairs are, and fall through them.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting up and immediately feeling my head ache. "I remember I was in Muggle Studies and I was talking to Remus and then I was hit."



Is that water I feel leaking out of my eye?

Pomfrey finished fussing over her potions before passing one over to me. "Here Eva, drink this. It's a blood-replenishing potion and you should feel better soon And I'm glad you seem to have all your memory sorted. And regarding your accident? From what I heard, Professor Bunt and Miss Fletcher were having an argument over some sort of muggle contraption and Miss Fletcher thought it would be a good idea to demonstrate with a paperweight, but misjudged the weight to levitation ratio and well, here you are."

"Ahh yes, the classic paperweight to the head."

"Twenty points have been removed from Ravenclaw, if that makes you feel any better." Pomfrey grabbed the empty potion from my hand, which did make me feel better, now that I was back to the proper amount of blood one should have in their body.

"Did anyone come to visit me?" I asked. Just curious. Just curemus. What?

Pomfrey moved over to the bed next to me, straightening the sheets. "Well Mr Lupin came to drop you off some time yesterday morning, and a few of your classmates; Miss Anson, Miss Evans, Mr Lupin again, and Mr Black came by at varying hours today." She glanced at the clock on the wall. "You have about fifteen minutes until lunch if you would like to go to your dorm and freshen up."

Black? Bloody tosser. Thinks he can get back into my good books if he pretends he gives a doxy's arse. Well not on my watch!

But Remus came! And my friends my subconscious offered. Well yes, thank you subconscious. BUT REMUS!

You need to sort out your priorities my subconscious advised.

Well thanks, subconscious, but you can shove off now.

"Come back just after dinner so I can give you another dose before you go to bed." Pomfrey helped me out of bed and with a pat on my back said, "now off you trot; freshen up, go to lunch and if your head is hurting make sure to rest. I've let all of your teachers know that you might not be in your best spirits, but it's Saturday so you should be feeling better by the time classes start again next week."

"Thanks, Madam Pomfrey!"

What a lovely lady. Honestly. We should make her head of Gryffindor, but I think McGonagall would complain. Maybe we should clone her and replace Pince. Now there's a good idea!


September 5, 1977

Great Hall

Well. Here I am. The Great Hall. Smack bang in the middle of everyone.

So I had firstly forgotten it was Saturday and had left my dorm after changing thinking it was Friday and everyone would be in class and I could go to lunch early and grab food and run before people with eyes and mouths showed up, but sadly, it didn't quite work out that way.

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