XXXVI // The Maths of Love Triangles

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10 March, 1978

Gryffindor Common Room

I don't want to be a bad friend or anything, but I did forget it was Remus' birthday today.

I mean, first of all, there's been a lot that's happened in the past couple of weeks, so there hasn't been the usual hullabaloo that there normally would be surrounding birthdays (we don't do birthdays by halves in the Gryffindor house).

And second of all, I'm not as obsessed with Remus as I used to be, so I didn't have it on my mind for the months, weeks, and days preceding his birthday.

However, it seems to actually be a trend within our little group of Gryffindors (and Frank), so I don't feel so bad that I forgot.

I mean, it's less that we all forgot it's his birthday and more that we forgot to organise him a birthday party. Also, he didn't even remind us, so it's sort of his own fault. Sort of. Also, there's just been a lot going on. Like, death and voldemort and meetings and NEWTs and it's a lot.

Anyway. We're going to do a small games night type situation (Remus' idea) and I am looking forward to this more than any of the other birthday parties we've had thus far this year.

I'm currently just sitting on the sofa, writing (I know, shocking, right?), with the rest of the gang. It's a pity that Frank's in Hufflepuff because he can't hang out with us in here, but I mean he does have his own friends, so I'm sure he's okay. Who knew I'd ever be friends with a Hufflepuff? Maybe they're not all bad.

Actually, speaking of, I think I'm sort of friends with Isadora James now, or we have a tentative alliance, at the very least. I think it's probably because she's a lot less of a self-righteous twat, and I like the way she sticks up for what's right.

And speaking of twats, Aislin is being a bloody nuisance.

Whoever decided to let her roam around the halls on a daily basis is seriously twisted in the head. Oh, gosh, now I'm talking about her like I used to talk about Black. Gross. I hope this isn't foreshadowing that I'll fall in love with her too, because that would be awful. She's very awful.

Wait, not that I'm in love with Black, or anything.

We're not even dating.

I mean, he did pick me up from the Hospital Wing yesterday morning, and then we may have studied together all day yesterday, but that involved me threatening him at least seven times and him throwing quills at me, so that definitely doesn't count.

I mean sure, yes, I begrudgingly admit that I like the fellow. It's the worst, honestly.

But I can't date him.

First of all, it's Black.

Second of all, Remus. Still kinda awkward with him. I thought we were friends again but no, it's just awkward silences. Muggle Studies has been a time, let me tell you.

I've never been in this sort of situation before, and I know I should probably talk to Remus about it, but it's his birthday and it's weird and I don't even know how to bring up the conversation?

What would I say? 'Hey Remus, can we have a quick chat? Would love to know where you stand on me dating your best friend after I broke up with you a month ago.'

Actually, that's probably exactly what I should say.

Wow, I can't believe my diary has turned into a Black-obsessed monologue.

This is honestly new for me.

Also, at risk of speaking more about him, it's like 4pm and he's already napping on my shoulder on the sofa. It's surprisingly difficult to write in my diary when you have someone lying on your shoulder, but I guess luckily he's on my right shoulder and I'm left handed.

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